IYOP 1999 - Recommendations

To achieve the broad objectives of the operational and conceptual frameworks for the Year, that is, a society for all ages, several strategic measures are needed. It is therefore recommended that:

(a) Research, policies and programmes address, in particular, two areas of the situation of older persons: (i) active ageing, meaning opportunities for older persons to continue to participate in the socio-economic and cultural life of their societies, and (ii) an appropriate caregiving mix for frail older persons, encompassing family, community and institutional care systems that distribute tasks equitably among State, community, family and the primary caregiver;

(b) The international community of experts, practitioners and policy makers develop clear guidelines supporting lifelong individual development, with longevity in mind; multigenerational relationships, with changing family and societal population structures in mind; and the integration of ageing into government policies, which may involve multisectoral policy adjustments.

(c) On the basis of the above and other explorations, the General Assembly consider adopting, in 1999, a short consensus text on the society for all ages to underscore the lifelong and society-wide dimensions of individual and population ageing;

(d) Governments, non-governmental organizations, foundations and the private sector support the efforts of the United Nations programme on ageing, as the lead agency for 1999, to catalyse a debate, reach out to non-traditional actors, including youth, and provide core services for information exchange and research coordination;

(e) All concerned give priority to activities at the national and local levels, improve regional collaboration and explore opportunities for "twinning" between countries, cities and institutions on well-defined projects.