Inter-Governmental Organizations

Inter-Governmental Organizations

European Commission(EC) will convene a conference in Vienna on 1 - 2 October, 1998 on the theme of the IYOP. In addition, the EC collaborated with the European Parliament in organizing, through the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, a conference, "Senior Citizens in the 21st Century: a new lease of life." The conference, held in Brussels on 1 - 2 October, 1998, stressed the need to rethink the role of older persons in society, and rejected all forms of discrimination against older persons. In addition the EC plans to:
Finance programmes for Europe's participation in the IYOP;
Support pilot projects aimed at mainstreaming older people's issues into other European Union policy areas;
Propose, through the Communication on Policies for Ageing Societies, further action at the European Level as a follow-up to the IYOP.
Address: European Commission, Directorate-General V, Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs; rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, B-1049 Brussel, Belgium, Office J11-1/15. Tel: (32-2) 299,04.82, switchboard 299.11.11.

Pan American Health Organization(PAHO) continues to work on a regional agenda for the UN Principles for Older Persons and the celebration of the IYOP. The following activities are planned, to:
Draft a Caribbean Charter on Health and Ageing and plan regional activities to celebrate the IYOP and World Health Day;
Co-Sponsor, with the Inter American Development Bank, a seminar on Ageing and Development in Latin America in December, 1998;
Partner with collaborating centers in research agendas on population ageing and regional training programmes;
Highlight successful intergenerational programmes in the Latin American region and disseminate information on model programmes.
Address: Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization, 525 23rd Street, Washington D.C., 20037-2895, U.S.A. Tel: (202) 974-3000.

The Council of Heads of Government of the COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES (CIS) adopted, in April 1999, an address to the citizens of CIS countries in connection with the IYOP. In particular, the address states: "…The Council of Heads of Government of the CIS expresses an intention to use the observance of the International Year of Older Persons for the implementation of various activities aimed at improving the living standards of older persons, promoting their rights and human dignity, and at strengthening solidarity among generations. …Efforts by the executive and local authorities must be focused on the implementation of legislative and social programmes with regard to veterans and older persons."
Contact: UN Information Center in Moscow, Glazovsky per., 4/16, Tel: 095-241-2894, Fax: 095-230-2138, Email:

Note: The information contained in the International Year of Older Persons 1999 pages,
particularly the Actor and calendar  pages, reflect initiatives and activities that took place
leading up to and during the International Year of Older Persons 1999 and may not be current.
For current information, please visit the database on policies and programmes.
Copyright © 1999,2000 United Nations / Division for Social Policy and Development
Last Updated: 31 May 2000.   Comments and suggestions: