18 December 2007
[on the report of the Third Committee (A/62/439/Add.5)]
62/170. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto
The General Assembly,
Recalling its previous relevant resolutions, the most recent of which was resolution 61/106 of 13 December 2006, as well as relevant resolutions of the Commission for Social Development and the Commission on Human Rights,
1. Welcomes the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto on 13 December 2006, and expresses the hope that they will enter into force at an early date;
2. Also welcomes the fact that since the opening for signature of the Convention and the Optional Protocol on 30 March 2007, one hundred and nineteen States have already signed and fourteen States have ratified the Convention and sixty-seven States have signed and three States have ratified the Optional Protocol, and calls upon those States which have not yet done so to consider signing and ratifying the Convention and the Optional Protocol as a matter of priority;
3. Invites the Secretary-General to intensify efforts to assist States to become parties to the Convention and the Optional Protocol, including by providing assistance with a view to achieving universal adherence;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to provide the staff and facilities necessary to support the effective performance of the functions of the Conference of States Parties and also to foresee all the necessary requirements for the installation and functioning of the Committee established under the Convention and the Optional Protocol after the entry into force of the Convention, as well as for the dissemination of information on the Convention and the Optional Protocol;
5. Also requests the Secretary-General to continue the progressive implementation of standards and guidelines for the accessibility of facilities and services of the United Nations system, taking into account relevant provisions of the Convention, in particular when undertaking renovations;
6. Requests United Nations agencies and organizations, and invites intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, to continue undertaking efforts to disseminate accessible information on the Convention and the Optional Protocol, to promote their understanding, to prepare for their entry into force and to assist States parties in implementing their obligations under these instruments;
7. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its sixty-third session a report on the status of the Convention and the Optional Protocol and the implementation of the present resolution.
77th plenary meeting
18 December 2007