Background documents:
End All Forms of Discrimination against Women and Girls with Disabilities and Enhance the Participation of Women with Disabilities in Inclusive Innovation
by Rangita de Silva de Alwis
Successes and Challenges in the Reporting about the Situation of Persons with Disabilities in line with the SDGs: The Uganda Case by Beatrice Nabulime Kaggya
Making Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable for Individuals with Disabilities by Rosaly Correa-de-Araujo
Paper for United Nations Conference of Experts on Persons with Disabilities by Floyd Morris
Towards a Global Disability Data System by Sophie Mitra
Promoting Sustainable Development in Africa through Disability Inclusion by Tsitsi Chataika
Disability in and through Rural Worlds by Vandana Chaudhry
A new Opportunity for Women with Disabilities in the Global Economy - The Gender/Disability and Business Index - Measuring Progress on diversity and Inclusion by Rangita de Silva de Alwis
Taking Stock of Existing Research and Publications by Maria Martinho, UNDESA Division for Inclusive Social Development, programme on disability
Disability Data: Current Challenges by Maria Martinho, UNDESA Division for Inclusive Social Development, programme on disability
Disability and Global SDG Monitoring by Yongyi Min and Haoyi Chen, UNDESA Statistics Division