Organized by UNDESA/DSPD & UN Habitat III Secretariat
at COSP10, Conference Room 12, UN Headquarters, New York14 June 2017, Wednesday, 3-6pm
Opening remarks: Accessibility and inclusive urban development for all
Ms. Ana Moreno (Habitat III Secretariat), Mr. Eric Guozhong Zhang (DESA/DSPD Secretariat for the CRPD)
High Level Dialogue on promoting accessible and inclusive urban development, capturing socio-economic benefits of accessibility
Moderated by: Mr. Eric Guozhong Zhang, UNDESA/DSPD/Secretariat for the Convention on the CRPD
Capturing the Socio-Economic Benefits of Accessibility: case studies on accessible transport and accessible tourism:
- Ms. Marina Diotallevi ( World Tourism Organization): Presentation PowerPoint
- Mr. Lorenzo Casullo (International Transport Forum): Statement, PowerPoint
Panelists presentations
- Perspective and commitments of Ecuador: Presentation video
- Asian Pacific regional experience in promoting accessible urban development Mr. Nagesh Kumar (Director of Social Development Division, UNESCAP): Presentation PowerPoint
- EU experience and lessons learnt. Ms. Inmaculada Placecia-Porrero (Focal point on disability, European Commission): Presentation PowerPoint
- Narrowing the gaps between the commitments and practices on the ground in the contexts of urban planning and development Dr. Victor Pineda (Co-Chair of Habitat General Assembly of Partners- Disability)
- Accessible transportation and the achievement of universal education for All Ms. Janett Jimenez (GAATES): Presentation PowerPoint
- Accessible and inclusive urban development for all: a case study: Ms. Venus Ilagan (Secretary General of Rehabilitation International): Presentation PowerPoint
- Inclusive urban planning – a public health perspective Dr. Chapal Khasnabis (Essential medicines and health products, World Health Organization): Presentation PowerPoint
- Population ageing, Silver economy and accessible urban development: a business case to make Ms. Katherine Kline (General Assembly of Partners- Older Persons): Presentation PowerPoint
- Investing in accessible, integrated and safe roads and transportation system as a public good and socio-economic imperative Ms. Natalie Draisin (Manager, North Am and UN, FIA Foundation): Presentation PowerPoint
Panel Discussion
Ways forward to implement the New Urban Agenda and to further promote development to be accessible and inclusive for all
Moderator: Mr. Michael Fembek (Programm Manager, Essl Foundation)
- Ms. Siam Imm Goh (Technical Director, Building and Construction Authority, Singapore): Presentation PowerPoint
- Mr. Victor Calise (Commissioner of Mayor’s Office on Persons with Disability , New York): Presentation PDF
- Ms. Ann Marit Sæbønes (former Mayor of City Oslo, Council on Disability): Presentation PowerPoint
- Closing