International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December 2011

Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 | International Day
Time: All day
International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December 2011

Theme for 2011: “Together for a better world for all: Including persons with disabilities in development”


Persons with disabilities make up an estimated 15 per cent of the world’s population. Almost one-fifth of the estimated global total of persons living with disabilities, or between 110-190 million, encounter significant difficulties. Furthermore, a quarter of the global population is directly affected by disability, as care-givers or family members.

Persons with disabilities encounter many disadvantages in their societies and are often subjected to stigma and discrimination. They remain largely marginalized, disproportionately poorer, frequently unemployed and have higher rates of mortality. Furthermore, they are largely excluded from civil and political processes and are overwhelmingly voiceless in matters that affect them and their society.

Experience shows that when persons with disabilities are empowered to participate and lead the process of development, their entire community benefits, as their involvement creates opportunities for everyone – with or without a disability. Including persons with disabilities and their communities in developmental efforts is important to advance the development agenda.

Thus it is imperative that development efforts around the world include disability issues when determining policies, programmes, as well as allocating funds for developmental programmes and projects. Mainstreaming disability in development is a strategy for achieving equality for persons with disabilities.

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which is both a human rights treaty and a development tool, provides an opportunity to strengthen developmental policies related to the implementation of internationally agreed development goals, such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), thereby contributing to the realization of a “society for all” in the twenty-first century.

The General Assembly in its most recent resolution 65/186, seeks to convene a High-Level meeting on disability in 2012, with a view to strengthening efforts to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of development efforts.

Sub-themes for commemorating the International Day of persons with disabilities in 2011

This year, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs requested the input of its partners and the general public for suggestions on a theme for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2011. Many responses were received from both, the UN system and civil society.


Now, for the first time, the Day will be commemorated under a general theme with supporting sub-themes to draw attention to key areas that would work in synergy to mainstream disability in all development processes.

Based on the main theme of IDPD 2011 “Together for a better world for all: Including persons with disabilities in development”, suggested sub-themes are:

  1. Mainstreaming disability: including a disability perspective in all development processes (more information)
  2. Gender: including women and girls with disabilities in development (more information)
  3. Including children and youth with disabilities in development (more information)
  4. Accessibility: removing barriers and promoting disability-inclusive development (more information)
  5. Promoting data collection and statistics on disability (more information)

Include: Observance of the Day provides opportunities for participation by all stakeholders – Governments, the UN system, civil society and organizations of persons with disabilities – to focus on issues related to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in development, both as beneficiaries and agents.

Organize: Hold forums, public discussions and information campaigns in support of the themes of IDPD 2011 to find innovative ways and means by which persons with disabilities and their families can be further integrated into the development agenda.

Celebrate: Plan and organize performances everywhere to showcase - and celebrate - the contributions made by persons with disabilities as agents of change and development in the communities in which they live.

Take Action: A major focus of the Day is practical action to mainstream disability in all aspects of development, as well as to further the participation of persons with disabilities in social life and development on the basis of equality. Highlight progress and obstacles in implementing disability-sensitive policies, as well as promote public awareness of barriers to the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in their societies.

Events at UN Headquarters

Friday, 2 December, Conference Room 2 (NLB)

(If you wish to attend any of the events at UN Headquarters, please contact

Un-edited CART transcript of the UNHQ event


The entrance to United Nations Headquarters is located on 46th Street and 1st Avenue. Go through the white Security Tent into the Main Visitor's Lobby to the Registration Desk to collect your pass. Collect your pass and exit the Visitor's Lobby to access the North Lawn Building. The wheelchair and accessible route, is to the left once you exit the Main Visitor's Lobby . All others please turn right and use the stairs facing the river front. There will be security guards on the premises to assist you should you need further directions. There is cafe on the 2nd floor of the North Lawn Building, as well as in the Visitors' Concourse.


10.00 to 10.30 a.m.

Opening ceremony

Performance by students from the New York Institute for Special Education


  • Moderator: Ms. Daniela Bas, Director, Division for Social Policy and Development, DESA
  • H.E. Dr. Mutlaq Al-Qahtani, Chef de Cabinet of the President of the General Assembly
  • Dr. Asha Rose Migrio, Deputy Secretary-General
  • Permanent Representative of the Philippines, H.E. Mr. Libran N. Cabactulan
  • Permanent Representative of Tanzania, H.E. Mr. Ombeni Y. Sefue
  • Permanent Representative of Sweden, H.E. Mr. Mårten Grunditz
  • Ms. Maria Veronica Reina, Secretary-General, the Global Partnership for Disability and Development

10.30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

Interactive Panel Discussion I: Towards inclusive development: improving data and statistics on disability

This panel discussion will focus on concretising the recommendations for improving the availability and quality of data on disability. Panellists will explore the technicalities of measuring disability and provide an in-depth review of existing internationally agreed standards for measuring disability, identifying the advantages and limitations of various methods of data collection, including censuses. The speakers will share their national-level experience and examine ways to improve both the quality and quantity of national disability statistics to create a strong knowledge basis for informed policy-making and to contribute to the ultimate goal of disability inclusive development. The findings of the panel could provide a basis for inclusion in the outcomes of the proposed High-level Meeting on disability and development at the 68th session of the General Assembly.


  • Moderator: Ms. Daniela Bas, Director, Division for Social Policy and Development, DESA
  • Akiko Ito, Chief, Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities/DSPD/DESA
  • Jennifer Madans, Washington Group on Disability Statistics
  • Claudia Cappa, UNICEF
  • Cem Mete, The World Bank
  • Maria Veronica Reina, Secretary-General, the Global Partnership for Disability and Development

12:00 noon to 1:15 p.m.

Interactive Panel Discussion II: Mainstreaming disability in the global development agenda: experience in other development issues

This panel will focus on the experience in mainstreaming of other issues in the development agenda and look at the conceptual frameworks, methodologies, approaches and data sources utilized by the United Nations system in the preparation of global development reports.  The panel will also explore how disability can be integrated into the United Nations’ existing global reports on development and consider options for a global report on disability.


  • Moderator: Ms. Daniela Bas, Director, Division for Social Policy and Development, DESA
  • Akiko Ito, Chief, Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities/DSPD/DESA
  • Jennifer Madans, Washington Group on Disability Statistics
  • Rosangela Berman Bieler, UNICEF
  • Paola Pagliani, UNDP
  • Jacob Kumaresan, WHO

1:15 to 4.00 p.m.

United Nations Enable Film Festival

Closing (background song)

Song title: My Dream; Artist: Hotta Flames (of Barbados); Album: Another Story

Events around the world to commemorate IDPD 2011


4th High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4): The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) High-Level Forum will take place  in Busan, Republic of Korea from 29 November - 1 December. As a side-event to the Forum, a panel discussion entitled "Aid effectiveness principles necessary for  disability inclusive development" will be co-organized by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. on 1 December 2011. The event will be opened with a performance by Signmark, a deaf rap artist from Finland, followed by a high level panel discussion with representatives from bilateral donors, emerging donors and Disabled People's Organization, who will highlight emerging practices and challenges in disability-inclusive development cooperation.  More information: Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo via email at:

CBM: In over 20 countries, our NGO partner, CBM is commemorating the Day with conferences, dialogues, parades, performances, art exhibitions, music and entertainment. More information:

End Exclusion – Let’s Enable the MDGs: The project is planning an inclusive "flash mob" on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On the same day in ViennaPragueBratislava and Amsterdam, people with or without disabilities will experience a 2-minute free performance in a public place. The event will serve to remind the world of the potential of persons with disabilities and the importance of inclusion. It will also demonstrate its feasibility. More information: http://www.endexclusion.eu! or contact


Argentina: 1. On 3 December, an association of parents of children with disabilities and their children will hand out leaflets and screen awaress-raising videos in Pergamino (a city located 200 km from the capital of Argentina). The group along with other disability organizations will work to change attitudes towards disability to realize a fully inclusive society for all. More information: Laura Vecino,

2. Free courses on labour and employment training for persons with disabilities will be conducted by the  Microemprendimientos Solidarity Association,with the collaboration of the Office of the President, Secretary of Transportation, ADIF, NABO, Baires Commercial Cometrans and the Municipality of Tigre. More information:; Tel: 4723-7395 and 0238;

3. Several marches will be organized to rally support for the inclusion and rights of persons with disabilities. More information: or

Aruba: The Day will be commemorated with a 2-mile walk, ending at Palm Beach Plaza, where students of the School for the Deaf will “sing” the Aruban anthem in Sign Language. The event will be opened by the Minister of Social Affairs, with an introduction of the organizers. Care takers will be recognized and awarded a pin, as well as a gift certificate to a beauty salon, where persons with disabilities will hold a fashion show along with a performance by deaf singers and live music. More information: Platform Rights of Persons with a Handicap,

Austria: The Austrian National Council together with Light for the World will hold an event on Friday, 2 December 2011 at the Austrian Parliament focusing on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in development cooperation to mark the Day. The panel discussion under the title “Development Cooperation – all inclusive?” Towards Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” will bring together experts on inclusive development from developing countries, Members of Parliament, the EC delegation in Austria, civil society organizations, media and government representatives. More information:

Australia: 1. As part of the celebrations to mark the Day, the Australian Disability and Development Consortium (ADDC) will hold an art exhibition on different days at 2 venues in Victoria at CBM, 2nd Floor area: 56 Rutland Road, Box Hill  (on December 5th & 6th) and World Vision, 1 Vision Drive, Burwood East (7 and 8 December). The exhibit will include artists with disabilities who live in Australia, whose work will be presented along with complimentary case studies that reflect the different opportunities for persons with disabilities living in developing countries.  More information:

2.  The 'End the Cycle' Campaign (of poverty and disability) is having an event in Sydney’s Martin Place (the big open space in the city centre) from 12-2pm. This public event will celebrate people with disabilities and share the message about disability in development – speakers include:  Sam Cawthorn (Young Australian of the Year TAS 2009), Dr Tom Shakespeare (Disability and Rehabilitation Team, World Health Organisation), a UNICEF delegate, Tim Harris (Triple J unearthed artist), Canos (eight piece folk band) -as well as the END THE CYCLE photo exhibition.  For more information follow the link to:

Bangladesh: To commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), 3 December 2011 and International Volunteer Day (IVD), 5 December 2011, the Chunarughat Upazila Administration, Habigonj and Volunteers Bangladesh will organize a three-day programme at multiple locations in Chunarughat, Habigonj, to include a Rally for Disability Awareness, sports programmes, a Cultural Night and Film Festival, as well as a marathon. The events will serve to promote the rights of persons with disabilities, accessible and eco-tourism and volunteerism. More information:

Belgium: 1. The World Health Organisation and the World Bank and the NGO CBM is planning the European launch event of the World Report on Disability. The event "Dialogue: World Report on Disability" will host a debate around the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) and the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020. This event will provide an opportunity for different stakeholders to discuss the inclusion of persons with disability in all development programmes and policies. The event will be held at the European Parliament on the 7th of December and hosted by MEP Adâm Kôsa. More information:

2. An awareness-raising event on disability and development cooperation entitled "Promoting Inclusive Development" will be held on 6 December in the House of Parlementarians in Brussels to help focus on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in Belgian development cooperation. The event is being organized by the Platform Disability and Development Cooperation (PHOS), 1 in 10, and Sabine de Bethune, Chairwoman of the Belgian Senate. More information:

Bosnia and Herzegovina: An “Employer of the Year for Persons with Disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, a high profile campaign aimed at promotion of equal opportunities, will be organized by Landmine Survivors Initiatives along with the Centre for Development and Support and Web portal The campaign hopes to change perceptions and attitudes about persons with disabilities in the workplace by promoting their capacities and achievements. On Friday,  2 December, in Sarajevo, model employers will promote and share their experiences and employment practices in four specific categories: small, medium, big and public enterprises. More information:

Brazil: 1. The State of São Paulo will commemorate the Day with 24 hours of entertainment and information, inclusive and accessible to all. The annual event, the “Virada Inclusiva” will be held on the weekend of 3 and 4 December in 35 cities of the State of São Paulo with more 500 different activities along with the support of 75 partners, including local Government offices, the private sector, civil society organizations, as well as organizations of persons with disabilities. The event will also include a simultaneous event “Virada Esportiva” that has gained popular appeal among persons with disabilities, as well as the non-disabled. Several movies, shows, games, presentations, performances, exhibitions, besides theater, arts, culture, sports and leisure activities will be included among the events. More information: or

2. The Fórum Catarinense de Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência Acessibilidade e Empregabilidade will organize several events, workshops, seminars, etc. to commemorate the Day in Santa Catarina, Araranguá, Chapecó, Florianópolis and other locations. A free traing course "UFSC WITHOUT BARRIERS - Course for Employers - Professional Inclusion of People with Disabilities" conducted by the Secretariat for Persons with Disabilities and Reduced Mobility, the city of Sao Paulo. More information: Inge Ranck,

Bulgaria: Sofia will host three performances by three countries at the Nikolai Binev youth theatre (8 Dondukov Blv) on 3 December at 3.30 pm. The unusual combination of pantomime, forum theatre and puppet theatre is presented by theatre groups from: The Bulgarian Tishina Association, PATRIR (Romania) and Ucaneller Culture and Art House Association (Turkey). The event is being organized within the framework of the AGORA Platform's project "Art Changes Lives" that aims to promote young people’s active citizenship, developing solidarity and tolerance among them. The project has been funded with support from the Youth in Action programme of the European Commission. More information:

Canada: 1. The Canadian Paralympic Committee will host a Parasport Festival in partnership with Sport Nova Scotia and Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic at the Canada Games Centre in Halifax on Saturday, 3 December from 1 to 5 p.m. The event will include wheelchair basketball, para-athletics, goallball and boccia! People interested in getting involved as a participant, coach, volunteer, official, guide or classifier, or a parent, teacher or health care provider who can connect someone to parasport. More information: Laura Ferris, Coordinator, Recruitment Program Support, Phone: 613-569-4333 x233.

2. In the Region of Peel, Ontario, a complimentary Business Breakfast Symposium will be held at the Embassy Grand Convention Centre to provide the business community with tools and information to help implement inclusive and equal services for all customers. Local Government officials will speak on legislation and requirements, while others from the corporate sector will provide insight on making businesses more accessible for persons with disabilities. The event will conclude with a networking session and a trade show displaying information of resources available for businesses to help them comply with local disability legislation. More information: Tel: (905-791-7800);

3. A Disability Awareness Week will be held in Whitehorse, Yukon by the Yukon Council on disABILITY along with an open house on 2 December from 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Frank Slim Building (Bridges Café), Shipyards Park. At the event, the Yukon Human Rights Commission will discuss the implementation of the CRPD with the local community.  More information: or

4. In Bonnyville, Alberta, civil society and community supporters will be sponsoring the "Invisabilities Inclusion Community Awareness Event" on 2 December at the Centennial Center from 11.30 a.m. onwards. The event features guest speakers, lunch and other activities. More information:; Tel: 780-826-2552.

5. The Mayor of Vancouver and the Vancouver City Council will celebrate the Day with a crafts fair, music, performances, art, dance, snacks, door prizes, sports and cooking demos, employment panel, wheelchair square dancing and yoga sessions. The closing will include a Proclamation, entertainment, music, dance and guest speakers. More information: or call: 604.873.7799.

6. Using popular social media, the Canadian Network on Disability and Development are planning to post facts and issues about disability on facebook and ask those who support the rights of persons with disabilities to share on their own pages. More information: Penny.Parnes@utoronto.ca

7. The County of Perth and the Accessibility Advisory Committee, Ontario, will celebrate the Day with a family community event and hockey challenge between the local Monkton Lady Wildcats vs. The Canadian Amputee Hockey Committee (CAHC). Local Government officials will attend and speak to legislation and  local efforts taken towards inclusion and accessibility, as well as to open the events and drop the puck. More information:

8. An event will be held on 2 December 2 at Natural Resources Canada organised by the Persons with Disabilities Network that will include a slide presentation on "Famous Persons with Disabilities". A display and information table from the Department's Technology Accessibility Centre will offer technology solutions for employees with disabilities or functional limitations. The focus of the event is to raise awareness of disability-related issues and promote an inclusive workplace where all employees can perform to their full potential. More information:

Chile: The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC/CEPAL) will organize an event on 2 December for their staff to promote human diversity and the rights of persons with Disabilities, as well as address barriers to their participation. A new Libguide on disability produced by the ECLAC Library and the Division for Social Development will also be launched. The event will conclude with the presentation of a brief video from Argentina entitled "Danza integradora", that provides an insight into diversity without barriers. More information:

Germany: To observe the Day, the Infor­mations­system der Gesund­heits­bericht­erstat­tung des Bundes, a Government  health monitoring agency will post facts and figures, as well as indicators from more than two billion 100 data sources on the topic of health online. More information: or

India: 1. In the Churachandpur District of Maipur state, Government officials will conduct a sensitization and training programme for District Level Officers and community based organizations on national legislation, schemes and programmes for persons with disabilities. More information: Tel: +91-3874 236741;

2. India: "Raindropss" - a youth based team from Chennai, focuses on delivering social awareness messages to the public in the form of theme songs and short films. On 3rd December, Raindropss will perform its latest song based on the theme of the Day "Together for a better world for all: Including persons with disabilities in development". The song will be performed in the regional language of Tamil at an event that includes children with disabilities and the general public. More information:

Israel: The Israeli Commission for Equal Rights of Persons with Disabilities, together with  JDC Israel, and the Israel Association of Community Centers will hold a multi-site event on the 14 December, under the theme "Accessibility is Everyone's Business". Volunteers in 20 municipalities, from the Accessible Community Program and the Centers for Independent Living, will visit small businesses and provide the business owners with information and written material on how to make their businesses accessible.  This event is part of a larger scale campaign to enhance public awareness to the new accessibility regulations and their importance for the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in society.  President Shimon Peres will hold a special ceremony on 5 December to sign a multi-sector convention for the advancement of employment of persons with disabilities. The Israeli parliament will hold a special day of discussions around the theme of visions of change. More information:

Kosovo: In Prishtina on 2 December from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. , the Ombudsperson of the Institution of Kosovo will organize a Round table discussion entitled "Stop Discrimination - Equality for All" along with civil society participants and other stakeholders on issues related to persons with disabilities, challenges and achievements in the field of education, employment and the freedom of movement for persons with disabilities in Kosovo. More information: (References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999))

Lesotho: Since 2005, the Day has been celebrated nationally in a different district each year. This year, activities will be held in the Quthing district and include a marching band along with persons with disabilities. The event will also include Governmental officials from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, as well as the Ministry of Gender, Youth,  Sports and Recreation along with the Chairperson of Lesotho National Federation of Organisations of the Disabled (LNFOD). Certificates will be awarded to students from schools in Quthing that took part in an essay and drawing competion on the theme of the Day. More information: Mokome Monaheng,

Malaysia: A drawing competition entitled "Colouring the abilities" will be held for students of physiotherapy at the Masterskill College of Nursing & Health Sciences, Ipoh Branch. The competition will enable the students to express their ideas and thoughts through drawings, painting and sketching about what they think about persons with disabilities and caregivers, as well as their role and importance in society. More information:

Nepal: The Rotary Club of Dhulikhel in cooperation with Intellectual Disabled Guardian Group, Dhulikhel, Education For Poor project ( and the Community Development Relief Agency (CDRA) will organize games and distribute sweets and stationary to the students at the Dhulikhel Day Care Center, as well as attend to people at HRDC Hospital Banepa. More information:

Netherlands: 1. A symposium on Disability, Development & Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights organized in the context of the "End Exclusion" ( and "Making Development Inclusive" projects, in collaboration with the VU University Amsterdam, Athena Institute, Light for the World and IDDC, the International Disability and Development Consortium. Keynote speakers include Dr. Jill Hanass-Hancock Hancock (Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division - HEARD), Thijs Berman MSc (Member of the European Parliament), Prof. Dr. Nora Groce (Leonard Cheshire Disability Chair, University College London) and others. The event will be held at VU Griffioen, Uilenstede 106, 1183 AM Amsterdam (9:30 to 16:00). More information: or visit

2. Every year, since 2008, Stichting Gdag has commemorated the Day with a "National Wereldgehandicaptendag" that includes debates, duels (sports), dinner and dancing. Conducted in several cities throughout the Netherlands, people can participate in a wheelchair-boxing clinic, a blind-running clinic, a swim clinic and blind-bowling in Rotterdam, visit a museum in Groningen, join in horse-riding and attend a wall-cimbing clinic in Amsterdam, participate in a wheelchair-tennis clinic in Purmerend and many more events. More information:; Erik Van Loon at +3185 785 5403 or

New Zealand: The Wellington City Council in partnership with the Accessibility Advisory Group will launching the draft Accessible Wellington Action Plan 2011-2014 at the Accessible Wellington Forum.  The Council will also conduct a range of activities to encourage a wider community involvement through an accessible consultation and engagement process. More information:

Pakistan: The Network of Organisations Working for People with Disabilities will host an art competition and exhibition for over 200 children with disabilities on 9 December in Karachi. The event will also include a 1-hour workshop on painting and pottery techniques. More information: or or contact Jeremy Higgs:

Philippines: The Great  Physician Rehabilitation Foundation, an NGO that works with people with disabilities in the eastern part of Negros Island in Central Philippines, in partnership with the local Government of the province of Negros Oriental, will be holding the first-ever provincial seminar on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) for Government officials, and heads of local agencies for persons with disabilities. The event will be followed by a 2-day leadership seminar for members of the Ten  Outstanding Persons with Disabilities Alumni Community that will work to empower and help build the capacity of local persons with disabilities in leadership positions. More information: or Florenda Ogabang +63 35 4228308.

Romania: The European Centre for the Rights of Children with Disabilities (ECRCD) will launch an awareness campaign, entitled “I am your friend!” that aims to promote the inclusion of children with disabilities. The campaign will be implemented in 30 kindergarten schools in Bucharest over a 3-month period. Trained staff will conduct interactive activities for children (4 to 6 years) to help address their perception of children with intellectual disabilities. It will also help encourage them to accept and integrate children with intellectual disabilities as friends and companions. More information:

Singapore: The STREET CLAP! event is organized by Central Singapore Community Development Council at Far East Plaza on Friday, 2 December. More information:;

South Africa: Johannesburg City Parks will observe the Day by partnering with Channel Islam international (Cii) in unveiling the first public park tailored to meet the needs of children with disabilities in the City of Johannesburg. The Rose Street Stimulation Park in Lenasia has been funded by listeners of Cii, a community radio station broadcasting in Africa. More information:

Sudan: The African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) will also ramp up its awareness-raising activities to through dissemination of locally themed material to communities throughout the region to improve the lot of this still largely marginalized group in society. The events will also include an exhibition of handmade crafts, poetry readings and dissemination of messages to promote the rights of persons with disabilities. More information:

Uganda: Action for Youth with Disabilities Uganda (AYDU) will organize a radio talk show on a popular radio

station in Uganda on 29 November to discuss challenges facing youth with disabilities in Uganda with special focus on access to quality higher education for persons with disabilities. On 2 December, a forum on youth and mental health in northern Uganda entitled "Investing in Promoting Financing and Accountability for Youth Programmes on Mental Health and Poverty Alleviation" will be held. More information:

United Kingdom: 1. A launch of Disability and Development Partner's (DDP) report on Deaf Children in Burundi - their Education and Communication Needs that was developed in collaboration with deaf people, school children, teachers and parents in Burundi, as well as with Aurora Deaf Aid Africa - a Diaspora group based in the UK. The event will be held on Saturday, 3 December, 2 to 5 p.m. at  The Lewis Suite, London Voluntary Sector Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA. Tel: +44 20 7697 4000 (5 mins walk from Holloway Road station, Piccadilly line).

2. The Cottsway Housing in the West Oxfordshire District will hold an ‘Advisory Day’. Local and national service providers will on hand to answer questions on understanding benefits and available services for persons with disabilities and their carers. FREE head and feet massages, nail therapy sessions, arm chair exercises, refreshments and much more. Local shops will join in by providing refreshments and prizes for the free draw, as well as receive comments from shoppers with disabilities as to how they can work with them to make their shopping experience a pleasurable one.

3. To mark the Day, the first fully accessible and inclusive Jum’ah (Friday Prayer Service) in the United Kingdom will be held on 2 December. BuraqSUPPORT, a UK faith-based accessible and inclusion service provider, in partnership with Faizan-E-Islam Education and Cultural Centre, Manchester, will launch "Insha Allah" (God willing) where a Khutba (Sermon) will be delivered on "Disability in Islam". English Sign Language interpreter, sighted guide assistance and wheelchair accessible prayer area will be available, along with adapted toilets and restrooms. Other activities include inclusive Braille Quran classes and youth activity programmes at the Centre.  More information: or

4. To mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities, West Midlands Police (UK) will be raising awareness of disability hate crime and encouraging victims to report incidents of this traditionally under-reported crime by using social media (including its 25,000+ Twitter followers and almost 10,000 Facebook followers) to get the message across. Follow us on Twitter - @WMPolice. More information:

5. The Barnsley Central Library will host it’s first ever “Human Library” on Friday 2 December. The event, which will run from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m., will offer members of the public the opportunity to “borrow” a person for up to ten minutes of conversation. All the “books” available to be “borrowed” are volunteers, who will be happy to speak to people about how they cope with disability both at home and in the workplace. The aims of the Barnsley event are to break down barriers and address prejudice and stigma associated with persons with disabilities, as well as raise awareness of the problems facing persons with disabilities in society. The Barnsley’s Central Library will also organize a display of aids and adaptations on Monday, 5 December from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Representatives from Enable Barnsley, Jobcentre Plus and Central Call will be on hand with information about the aids and adaptations which can be of use at home and in the workplace. More information: Tel: 01226 773921;

6. In Frome, Somerset, Openstorytellers have invited supporters, funders, volunteers and friends to an evening event on 5 December. Openstorytellers is a charity and social enterprise, created to enrich the lives of children, and adults with learning and communication difficulties, using traditional stories and personal narrative. More information:  T: 01373 471171,

United States: 1.The NGO Committee on Mental Health will be organizing a discussion and event on 8 December from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Church Center at UN Plaza, to draw attention to issues concerning persons with psychiatric disabilities and women and girls with disabilities. More information: 2. Variety the Children’s Charity provides much needed assistance to children with mobility concerns. This year to commemorate the Day, Variety Tents in Los Angeles and other areas such as Southern California, Northern California, The Desert, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Detroit, Greater Kansas City, St. Louis, Buffalo and Western New York, Texas and Wisconsin, will provide children with disabilities a bike to fit their needs. The organization will also coordinate a nationwide effort to provide communities and local supporters with a practical way to improve accessibility and mobility for children with disabilities. More information: In Illinois, at the 23rd Annual Chicago Bulls Day for Kids event at 1770 Centennial Place in Addison, IL during the half-time of the Wheelchair Bulls All-Star game (10:00 am game start, approximately 11:15 am half-time start), “Kids on the Go!” presentations will be made to families who cannott otherwise afford to obtain adapted sports equipment such as sports wheelchairs, handcycles and adapted bikes.

2. In Rooosevelt Island, New York, a music festival will be organized by the NGO, With Our Hands Together Inc., formerly the International Mission Association, to celebrate the Day and promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. More information:

3. At the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, join storytellers Peter Cook, Mario Hernandez, and Monique Holt in celebration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities presenting a family-friendly evening of stories told in ASL (American Sign Language) accessible to all. This free Millennium Stage performance will be signed, voiced, captioned, and audio described. More information:

Tell us your plans for IDPD 2011

You tell us! If you would like to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in your community and would like to share an innovative idea that includes other stakeholders, such as your Government, a UN agency, an NGO/DPO or a community, please let us know about it. We will showcase the idea on our website to inform and inspire others to do the same. Please send your ideas to