There are only eight years left for the world to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With 185 ratifications to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), the international commitments to equality and empowerment of persons with disabilities has been further strengthened and there is increasing appreciation of advancing disability-inclusive development as an effective means and way to realize the rights and achieve development for all, including persons with disabilities.
Recognizing the challenges the world is facing in the COVID-19 response and recovery as well as implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the 15th session of the Conference of State Parties to the CRPD (COSP15) will focus this year on: (1) Innovation and technology advancing disability rights (2) Economic empowerment and entrepreneurship of persons with disabilities and (3) Participation of persons with disabilities in climate action, disaster risk reduction and resilience against natural disasters as well as one Interactive Dialogue between the UN system and States Parties.
COSP15 will focus on the interaction between technology and persons with disabilities and how they experience technology; the challenges and how to overcome them; and what States parties and other stakeholders can do to make the best of technology in order to advance disability rights and build a better society that is more disability-inclusive and participatory. The event will feature assistive technologies, which are used by many individuals with disabilities, as well as mainstream technologies, including emerging technological advances, which can have a significant impact on the advancement of the rights of persons with disabilities.
Persons with disabilities are facing significant exclusion in the world of work. According to data from 91 countries and territories, across eight geographical regions, only 36 per cent of persons with disabilities of working age are in employment. The COSP15 will address the economic empowerment of persons with disabilities, which is the ability of persons with disabilities to bring about change and contribute to society because of increased economic capabilities and agency by participating in the labour markets on equal terms with others. It allows persons with disabilities to live life in dignity with respect to their rights at work and beyond.
Persons with disabilities are particularly vulnerable during natural disasters and extreme climate events. All States have an obligation to ensure that their climate actions respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of all, including by integrating the rights of persons with disabilities into climate laws, policies, and programmes. The COSP15 will discuss the adverse effects of climate change on the effective enjoyment of the rights of persons with disabilities, which require urgent, rights based, disability-inclusive climate action.
This year, the Conference will host around 100 side events. Stay updated on efforts to advance and protect the rights of persons with disabilities by following the COSP15 on 14-16 June 2022.
For more information and details on the event, visit this link.
Source: UNDESA Voice