UNDESA DSPD Forum on Disability and Development, 28 October 2015

22 October 2015

UNDESA/DSPD Forum on Disability and Development: Disability Inclusion and Accessible Urban Development Co-organized by DESA and UN-Habitat, supported by the African Disability Forum, 28 to 30 October 2015, UN Convention Center, Nairobi, Kenya

World leaders recently adopted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development agenda committing to making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and sustainable.

In October 2016, the Third Global Conference on Housing and Sustainable Development (Habitat III) will take place in Quito, Ecuador, to review the progress and lessons learned and to adopt a “New Urban Agenda” that focuses on policies and strategies to provide a global framework for future urbanization.


On the occasion of the 2015 World Cities Day (Theme: "Designed to Live Together"), the UN Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) of Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), will organize a three-day DESA Forum on Disability and Development with a focus on disability inclusion and accessible urban development in Nairobi from 28-30 October 2015 in close collaboration with UN-Habitat, ECA, the African Union Commission and civil society partners including the African Disability Forum.

The Forum will bring together over 70 participants and observers, to map out the current situation for persons with disabilities in urban hubs, and will provide recommendations and best practices, which will expect to contribute to Habitat III and the New Urban Agenda.

The DESA/DSPD Forum on Disability and Development, officially launched in 2013, is an initiative of the Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the Division for Social Policy and Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). It aims to contribute to the on-going global efforts towards an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-2015 development framework and agenda, through exchange of experiences, expertise and innovative ideas to develop practical solutions for pressing issues with regard to disability-inclusion in development.

Learn more about UNDESA/DSPD Forum on Disability and Development.

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