Family News
News | 11 August 2020
Covid Family Life Study There is no question that though health workers have been in the frontline of dealing with Covid-19, all of us have been seeing action on the “Home Front” during the pandemic. Especially families, where parents have been…
News | 06 August 2020
In 2020, UNDESA sent a Note Verbale to Member States and UN entities requesting the provision of information on the following topics
1) Family-oriented policies and programmes that enhance strong intergenerational interactions, such as parenting…
News | 06 August 2020
The Division for Inclusive Social Development of UN DESA is consulting stakeholders concerning the preparations for the IYF+30 in relations to the 2030 Development Agenda and the impact of the following mega trends on families:
Technological changes…
News | 09 June 2020
The Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social affairs (UN DESA) is organizing an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on “Families in Development” to be held online 16-18 June 2020. The EGM is to address the…
News | 13 April 2020
The theme of the 2020 International Day of Families on 15 May is "Families in Development: Copenhagen & Beijing + 25". UN DESA through its Division for Inclusive Social Development supports the worldwide observance of the International Day of…
News | 28 February 2019
The 2019 International Day of Families will focus this year on “Families and Climate Action: Focus on SDG13”. The annual observance reflects the importance the international community attaches to families and their role in development. Recent…
News | 15 January 2019
In its resolution 72/145, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit a report at its seventy-fourth session, through the Commission for Social Development and the Economic and Social Council, on the implementation of the…
News | 11 January 2019
The Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) of the Department of Economic and Social affairs (UNDESA) is organizing an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on “Family policies for inclusive societies”, 15-16 May 2018 at UN Headquarters in New York. …
News | 11 December 2018
The Division for Inclusive Social Development of the Department of Economic and Social affairs (UNDESA) in collaboration with the Doha International Family Institute (DIFI), a member of Qatar Foundation for Education, and the International…
News | 30 October 2018
According to the World Bank, today’s urban population of about 3.5 billion people is projected to reach 5 billion by 2030, with two-thirds of the global population living in cities. City leaders must move quickly to plan for growth. The speed and…
News | 11 May 2018
The implementation, success, and sustainability of SDGs 16 and 11 are greatly dependent on a family focused approach that takes into consideration the contexts within which decisions about laws, policies, and programmes are made. Isolated approaches…
News | 23 January 2018
The present report on the "Implementation of the objectives of the International Year of the Family and its follow-up processes" is submitted in response to General Assembly resolution 71/163. The report focuses on recent initiatives towards the…