International Expert Group Meeting on Indigenous Youth: Identity, challenges and hope: Articles 14, 17, 21 and 25 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
UN Headquarters, New York
29-31 January 2013
Venue: Conference Room 5--North Lawn Building
The Expert Group Meeting on indigenous youth wass organized following a decision by the Economic and Social Council, authorizing a three day international expert group meeting. The results of the meeting will be reported to the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at its twelfth session in May 2013.
Media Advisory (EN)
Article from Inter Press Service "Indigenous Youth Step Up to Protect Their Roots"
Submitted by the Secretariat of UNPFII:
Programme of Work (EN)
Concept Note (EN)
Recommendations of the Permanent Forum that specifically deal with indigenous youth (EN)
*Submitted by Experts:
Paper submitted by Mr. Steven Brown (EN)
Paper submitted by Ms. Andrea Landry (EN)
Paper submitted by Ms. Meenakshi Munda (EN)
Paper submitted by Mr. Igor Yando (RU)
Paper submitted by Mr. Tuomas Aslak Juuso (EN)
Paper submitted by Ms. Tania Edith Pariona Traqui (ES)
Paper submitted by Mr. Matuna Rodgers Niwamanya (EN)
Statement by Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Affairs/DESA (EN)
Statement by UNPFII Chairperson Grand Chief Ed John (EN)
Statement by Canada (EN/FR)
Statement by Congo (FR)
Statement by the United States of America (EN)
* The views and opinions expressed in these papers are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent official policy or positions of the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.