"Celebrating Indigenous Film Making"
The focus of the theme for the International Day in 2010 was "Celebrating Indigenous Film Making", which tied in with the theme of the 2010 session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, "development with culture and identity."
Programme of the Day
9 August 2010, United Nations Headquarters, New York
ECOSOC Chamber, UN Headquarters, North Lawn Building
Welcome by Master of Ceremonies Roberto Múcaro Borrero (Taíno)
Traditional welcome by Mr. Kevin Tarrant (Ho Chunk)
Message from Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
Message by Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Sha Zukang
Message from the Chairperson of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Mr. Carlos Mamani (by representative of DESA)
Screening of four short films by indigenous filmmakers followed by Q&A with directors Per-Josef Idvuoma, Alex Zacarias and Andrew Okpeaha MacLean moderated by Reaghan Tarbell from the National Museum of the American Indian
Ivan and Ivan Directed by Philipp Abryutin (Chucki)
Curte-Nillas:(short) movie Directed by Mr. Per-Josef Idivuoma (Sámi)
Taino Indians counted out of existence Directed by Mr. Alex Zacarias (Taíno)
Sikumi (On the ice) Directed by Mr. Andrew Okpeaha MacLean (Inupiaq)
Messages on the Occasion of the Day
- Message of the Secretary General [AR] [EN] [ES] [FR] [RU] [ZH]
- Message of the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs
- Message of the Chair of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues [EN][ES]
- Message of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples
- Message of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Message of the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
- International Fund for Agricultural Development
- Message of the Executive Director, UNICEF
- Message of the Director General, ILO