27-29 March 2009, Mandaluyong City, Metro-Manila, Philippines
This Expert Group Meeting was organized following a recommendation of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues during its Seventh Session, which states:
The Permanent Forum decides to authorize a three-day international expert group workshop on indigenous peoples' rights, corporate accountability and the extractive industries, and requests that the results of the meeting be reported to the Forum at its eighth session, in 2009. The report of that workshop can feed into the eighteenth and nineteenth sessions of the Commission on Sustainable Development, which will address the themes of mining, chemicals, waste management and sustainable consumption and production patterns, and contribute to the review by the eighteenth session of the Commission.
The International Expert Group Workshop was organized by Tebtebba Foundation in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The workshop has provided the opportunity for dialogues among participants with the aim of improving the situation of indigenous peoples in relation to extractive industries.
The EGM was attended by invited indigenous experts and UNPFII members, and observers at expert level from the UN system and other-governmental agencies, academic institutions, NGOs, States and extractive industries.
CRP.8: Report of the international expert group meeting on extractive industries, Indigenous Peoples' rights and corporate social responsibility
AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
May 4 2009
SPFII & Tebtebba
International Expert Workshop on Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Corporate Accountability and the Extractive Industries - Draft Programme of Work
AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
March 20 2009 | workshop/egm paper | Adobe Acrobat (pdf)
SPFII & Tebtebba
International Expert Workshop on Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Corporate Accountability and the Extractive Industries - Concept Paper
February 20 2009 | workshop/egm paper | Microsoft Word (doc)