In preparation for the 2021 session, the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues conducted informal virtual dialogues with indigenous peoples and Member State representatives. These virtual dialogues were instituted by Forum Members to continue the tradition of regional consultations that take place during the annual sessions of the Forum. The aim of the regional dialogues initiated in 2018, was to discuss issues of relevance in the countries of the region and identify how to sharpen the focus and impact of the Permanent Forum’s analysis and recommendations.
Regional Dialogue on Eastern Europe, Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia: 3 and 4 March 2021
In preparation for the 2021 session, the Permanent Forum will conduct informal virtual dialogues with indigenous peoples and Member State representatives.
For more information on the regional dialogue on Eastern Europe, Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia, please click here
Photo credit: flickr.com/Grid-Arendal (Peter Prokosch)