Side events registration is now closed.
As in previous years, the Indigenous Peoples and Development Branch – Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (IPDB-SPFII) in DESA will coordinate side events during the 24th Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), to be held at the United Nations Headquarters from 21 April to 2 May 2025.
IPDB-SPFII coordinates side events (workshops, panel presentations or roundtable discussion) organized by Member States, UN entities, Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations (IPOs), other intergovernmental organizations and NGOs that have been approved for accreditation to the 24th Session of the UNPFII.
The special theme of the 24th session will be “Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples within United Nations Member States and the United Nations system, including identifying good practices and addressing challenges”. The agenda includes a human rights dialogue with the UN Indigenous Mechanisms, Future Work, discussion on the Six mandated areas, among others.
Due to limited space and increased costs of conference rooms, we cannot guarantee that all requests will be honoured. Preference will be given to event requests related to the theme of the 2025 UNPFII session and joint events with various co-sponsors.
The deadline to submit requests for side events closed 12 March 2025 (midnight NY time).
Please complete the side event request form here.
Side events are normally held during lunch hours (and closed sessions) from 1:15pm to 2:30pm for a duration of 1 hour and 15 minutes. However, they might also be organized during the formal sessions.
All registered side events for the 24th Session of UNPFII will be held at the United Nations Headquarters, in the Secretariat building.
Technical requirements
Laptops, desktop computers, and interpretation services are not provided at any of the events. Note that alphabet conference rooms do not have interpretation booths. Technical requirements such as webcast, microphones, recording, powerpoint presentations, online/hybrid participation, and interpretation booths must be addressed from the onset to be assigned conference rooms equipped with these needs.
The standard rate for equipment and conference room usage at the UN premises has increased. For any changes or cancellations to conference room requests received beyond the deadline, organizers will be held liable for any additional costs.
Please note that organizers will be billed through their BP (Business Partner) number accounts created with the UN.
Payments must be made prior to the side event.
Payments in the form of cash or credit cards or checks will not be accepted on the day of your event.
For first-time side event organizers, be advised that you will be required to create a BP number to hold a side event in UNHQ.
Further instructions on how to create an account to follow.
For Member States, UN entities, and other organizers who already have existing BP numbers, no further action will be required. However, you will need to provide your BP number for billing purposes.
For queries relating to side events, please email Ms Bertha Bravo (bravo@un.org) with the subject "UNPFII Side Events Query".
For more information visit the 24th Session of UNPFII website.