The United Nations General Assembly adopted draft resolution A/RES/79/8 on ‘Sport as an Enabler of Sustainable Development’ by consensus on 12 November 2024. The draft resolution was co-facilitated by Monaco and Qatar, and co-sponsored by Armenia and Turkmenistan.
The resolution encourages DESA to continue its work on sport for development and peace, including by updating the 2018 UN Action Plan on Sport for Development and Peace, and encourages Member States to support the Department in its efforts, including through voluntary contributions; and invites the Secretary-General to strengthen the capacity of the Secretariat, within existing resources and through voluntary contributions, to support and coordinate the implementation of the UN Action Plan on Sport for Development and Peace across the UN system and to strengthen normative and policy guidance and the evidence on the impact of sport on the SDGs through the monitoring and evaluation of UN policies and programmes using quantitative methods and disaggregated data, in full consultation with Member States.
The adoption was preceded by a meeting of the Group of Friends of Sport for Sustainable Development, co-chaired by the State of Qatar and Monaco. DISD Director, Mr. Charles Katoanga attended the meeting, at which the President of the International Olympic Committee, Mr. Thomas Bach spoke about the common values of universality, equality, non-discrimination, the rule of law, solidarity, and peace in and through sport.