Previous IANYD co-chairs

Previous IANYD co-chairs

The UN Focal Point on Youth, UN Programme on Youth, within the Division for Social Policy and Development of UN-DESA is the permanent co-chair of the Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development. The second co-chair of the Network is selected by members of the Network and rotates on an annual basis. The co-chair for the current term (March 2017-2018) is ILO. 

Previous rotating co-chairs have been:

Feb. 2010 -- March 2011: UNESCO

March 2011 -- 2012: ILO

March 2012 -- 2013: UN-HABITAT

March 2013 -- 2014: UNFPA

March 2014 -- 2015: UNIDO

March 2015 -- 2016: UNDP

March 2016 -- 2017: UN WOMEN