Policies and programmes involving youth

12 December 2016

On 10 February 2015, the Commission for Social Development adopted resolution 53/1 on policies and programmes involving youth, in which it requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Commission at its fifty-fifth session, a comprehensive report on the implementation of the resolution, including progress on the achievements and challenges in the implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth, in consultation with Member States, as well as with the relevant specialized agencies, funds and programmes and the regional commissions, taking into account the work done by the United Nations system, and encouraged the Secretariat to consult, as appropriate, with youth-led and youth-focused organizations.

The report on "Policies and programme involving youth" recalls the need for robust, stand -alone youth policies coupled with consistent cross-sectoral efforts and provides a compilation of recent initiatives in the area of youth policies and programmes based on input received from Member States, United Nations entities and civil society organizations. The report also focuses on the three broad thematic considerations: gender, participation and inclusion, and marginalized groups.

Read more: http://undocs.org/E/CN.5/2017/5

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