News | 15 June 2015
2014 Social Forum of the Human Rights Council
lunes, 31 marzo 2014
The 2014 Social Forum of the Human Rights Council will take place from 1 to 3 April 2014 in the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, in accordance with paragraph 6…
News | 15 June 2015
Governments must make health of older people a priority, says UN rights chief
viernes, 16 septiembre 2011
With the number of people aged over 60 expected to reach 2 billion by 2050, or more than a fifth of the total global…
News | 15 June 2015
High-level Panel on Ageing at the 51st session of CSocD
viernes, 25 enero 2013
A High-level Panel Discussion on the Report of the Secretary-General on the Second Review and Appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing…