
29 December 2020
The World Youth Report (WYR) is a flagship publication of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD). The Report addresses youth development issues around the world.…
21 December 2020
“These rights touch on every aspect of life: the right to go to school, to live in one’s community, to access health care, to start a family, to engage in political participation, to be able to play sport, to travel – and to have decent work,” UN …
11 December 2020
In the run-up to the 11th session of the GA open-ended Working Group in 2021, the International Federation on Ageing, in partnership with the Permanent Missions of Argentina and Portugal, and in collaboration with DESA and OHCHR, organized a virtual…
28 November 2020
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) was adopted by the General Assembly by its resolution 61/106 of 13 December 2006. It came into force on 3 May 2008 upon its 20th ratification. Article 40 of the Convention stipulates…
28 November 2020
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is annually observed on 3 December to promote the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities and to take action for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of…
News | 20 November 2020
Every year, the Indigenous Peoples in Development Branch within the Division of Inclusive Social Development of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs organizes an international expert group meeting (EGM) on a theme recommended by the…
News | 19 November 2020
On 19 November,  the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (Third Committee), of the 75th session of the General Assembly discussed Rights of Indigenous Peoples [item 67(a)]. The Committee took up the draft resolution “Rights of…
12 November 2020
International Federation on Ageing (IFA) hosted a virtual event in collaboration with the NGO Committee on Ageing Vienna and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection on 12 November 2020. The event aimed…
03 November 2020
The global outbreak of COVID‐19 has heavily impacted the world of sport and access to physical activity, resulting in closure of gyms, stadiums, pools, dance and fitness studios, physiotherapy centers, parks and playgrounds. It has also led to the…
29 October 2020
The 13th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD is taking place this year on 30 November 2020 (in-person meetings: Opening and the election of the CRPD Committee members) and 1 and 3 December 2020 (virtual meetings: roundtable…
28 October 2020
With the devastating impact of COVID-19, cities everywhere are facing key challenges in ensuring that the basic needs of people living in hardship are met. As cities implement actions to strengthen public services in the face of the pandemic, they…
News | 28 October 2020
In preparation for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2023), UNESCO has issued an open call for nominations to Indigenous Peoples to be part of the Global Task Force entitled “Making a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages”.…