
08 July 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic represents a severe threat to city services, global health, and is radically transforming the societies in which we live. Physical distancing measures adopted around Latin America and the world directly impact the life and well…
03 July 2020
UN report finds youth social entrepreneurship can create jobs and help the most underserved communities Tearing down barriers that prevent more young people from becoming successful social entrepreneurs will contribute to advancing the Sustainable…
29 June 2020
No country is immune from it. Greenhouse gas emissions are more than 50 percent higher than it was in 1990, and global warming is causing long-lasting changes to our climate system which threatens irreversible consequences if we do not act.…
26 June 2020
COVID-19 is exposing and deepening the inequalities, discrimination and ageism that older persons and persons with disabilities experience every day. We need inclusive programmes and policies that address the rights of people of all ages to ensure…
15 June 2020
The Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD) of UN DESA organized an online webinar on “Income Insecurity, Poverty Dynamics and COVID-19” on 16 June from 11:30am to 12:30pm (EDT). The event featured ongoing research by Dr. Anirudh Krishna,…
09 June 2020
In April 2020, the United Nations Voluntary Funds on Disability provided grants on catalytic and innovative activities that support the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) and the 2030 Agenda for…
News | 09 June 2020
The Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social affairs (UN DESA) is organizing an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on “Families in Development” to be held online 16-18 June 2020. The EGM is to address the…
08 June 2020
The UN General Assembly designated 15 June as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (res. A/RES/66/127).  According to WHO estimates, 1 in 6 people aged over 60 suffers from abuse. That means nearly 141 million people globally. This number might be much…
05 June 2020
The Stakeholder Group on Ageing (SGA) Africa, in collaboration with UN DESA and other partners, held a regional webinar on the impact of COVID-19 in the context of the rights of older persons, on 5 June 2020. The purpose of the webinar was to signal…
News | 05 June 2020
The meeting of the high-level political forum on sustainable development in 2020 will be held from Tuesday, 7 July, to Thursday, 16 July 2020, under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council. This will include the three-day…
27 May 2020
Removing barriers, making society inclusive and accessible: impact of the COVID-19 crisis on persons with disabilities and “building back better” toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable world. Persons with disabilities face the same risk…
20 May 2020
Save the date for this virtual discussion on an issue at the core of the Protection of Civilians agenda on 28 May 2020, 09.00-10.30 (NY time). This virtual side event, which coincides with the United Nations Security Council Open Debate on the…