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Policy Briefs |
  Introduction In his report to the 59th Commission for Social Development on the priority theme of socially just transition towards sustainable development (E/CN.5/2021/3), the Secretary- General pointed out that “By adopting the 2030 Agenda, world leaders recognized that the current trajectory of economic development has not led to shared prosperity for all, but to high and rising inequalities in many countries, the climate crisis, and unsustainable consumption and production patterns. These consequences have taken a toll on social development and people’s well-being, especially among the most vulnerable.” The Report further analyzed the link between high inequality, consumerism and…
UN General Assembly Reports on Social Development |
The report contains a review of the actions taken by cooperatives to respond to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and the opportunities for achieving sustainable development through cooperatives. The thematic section of the report covers legislative frameworks, including how in successive resolutions on cooperatives in social development, including 74/119, the Assembly has called on Governments to adopt laws or regulations that create an enabling environment for the development of cooperatives and that take into account the values-based identity of cooperatives. In addition, in its resolution 64/136, the Assembly declared 2012 the International Year of Cooperatives, and in…