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6-10 October 1998 -  Dublin,Ireland Report Background Paper
This paper systematizes the most salient aspects of the situation of Latin American and the Caribbean countries regarding family policies, with a clear purpose of contributing to a better understanding of what has been achieved in the last decade and, most importantly, what are the main challenges the region is facing. More specifically, the paper analyzes the main advances and limitations Latin America presents on the implementation of family‐ oriented anti‐poverty transfers including a detailed revision of the main results obtained so far. Download Full Publication
Different perspectives on well-being and development conceptualise and measure poverty in different ways. This publication analyzes the persistence of poverty that is relatively higher in certain groups of people and types of households and families. In developing countries these include single parent households, particularly those headed by women; migrant families; families living in rural areas and urban slums; and households affected by HIV and AIDS. Download Full Publication  
As part of the preparations for and observance of the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family, the report is focused on the impact of climate change on the well-being of families, highlighting challenges relating to food and water scarcity, worsening physical and mental health, increased intrafamilial violence and child marriage.