
Displaying 71 - 71 of 71
[accordion clicktoclose="true"][accordion-item title="General Assembly Resolutions on Indigenous Peoples"] 2018 A/RES/73/156 General Assembly Resolution (18 December 2018) 2017 A/RES/72/155 General Assembly Resolution (19 December 2017) 2016 A/RES/71/481 General Assembly Resolution (19 December 2016) 2015 A/RES/70/232  General Assemby Resolution (23 December 2015) Meeting record: A/70/PV.82 Press release:  GA/11747 (without a vote) Statements Statement by Ecuador on behalf of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) Statement by Trinidad and Tobago on behalf the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Statement by the European Union Statement by Sweden on behalf of Nordic…