18 August 2011
The United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU) invited young innovators in digital and other fields to enter a global competition in which 60 winners will be invited to Geneva in October to pitch their novel ideas at a leading forum…
17 August 2011
Following the UN International Year of Youth Culmination festivities on 11 August, the International Youth Day was celebrated around the world on 12 August. 2011 marked the event’s 25th anniversary, and in common with previous occasions, an…
15 August 2011
The International Year of Youth, which began on 12 August last year, drew to a close today in New York. The UN system’s activities for the Year had three main objectives; to increase commitment and investment in youth; to encourage partnerships with…
11 August 2011
Each year, International Youth Day (IYD) is assigned a theme; a conceptual slogan that communicates the scope, direction, and objectives of the year’s youth initiatives and also provides a unifying banner from under which individuals can draw the…
10 August 2011
“Educational, memorable, awe-inspiring” these are the words of UN Youth Champion Monique Coleman to describe the six-month long world tour she embarked on at the beginning of 2011 to raise awareness of the International Year of Youth and of the…
27 July 2011
Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks to the General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Youth, in New York today, 25 July: Let me first share my shock about the terror attack in Norway on Friday.  I condemn this violence in the…
26 July 2011
Hundreds of young people converged on the United Nations in New York today as the General Assembly kicked off a high-level meeting devoted to tackling the challenges facing youth and exploring their potential to bring about change in their societies…
19 July 2011
As part of the International Year of Youth, the General Assembly will hold a high-level meeting on youth with the theme “Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”. The meeting takes place on 25 and 26 July, 2011 in the General Assembly Hall of the…
11 June 2011
The world is still a dangerous place for children. It is estimated that approximately 300,000 armed children and youths are living in conflict zones, half of them girls and the most vulnerable. These children are victims, forced to live in constant…
16 May 2011
The UN Youth Champion and American Actress of the movie, High School Musical, Monique Coleman was recently in Nairobi to engage with young people in the country and promote the International Year of Youth (IYY). The Year was launched on 12 August…
22 April 2011
As part of the International Year of Youth, the General Assembly will hold a high-level meeting on youth on 25 and 26 July 2011. The high-level meeting will have as its overarching theme “Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”. The high-level…
07 March 2011
The UN Programme on Youth is hosting a briefing session on Youth and Environment on Wednesday 9 March 2011 from 1:15 – 2:30 p.m.in the North Lawn Building, United Nations Headquarters in Conference Room E. The session will examine the many ways in…