08 June 2015
  United Nations High-level Meeting on Youth viernes, 22 abril 2011 As part of the International Year of Youth, the General Assembly will hold a high-level meeting on youth on 25 and 26 July 2011. The high-level meeting will have as…
08 June 2015
Youth education, employment and empowerment key to global progress   Providing education, employment and empowerment for young people are key factors in achieving global progress, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today at a meeting with…
08 June 2015
  Rio+20: Youth turn to green jobs as an answer to unemployment lunes, 18 junio 2012 With over half the world population under 25 years of age and the global economic crisis still ongoing, the creation of jobs that provide decent…
08 June 2015
  Impact of jobs crisis on youth among issues on agenda of UN labour conference jueves, 31 mayo 2012 Nearly 5,000 delegates kicked off a United Nations forum in Geneva focusing on the global jobs crisis and its impact on youth, as…
08 June 2015
  Inclusion of Young People in National Decision-making miércoles, 04 junio 2014 Member States welcomed a proposal to incorporate youth-focused target areas in the post-2015 development agenda, as the Economic and Social Council…
08 June 2015
The recent ECOSOC Youth Forum, focused on how to leverage science, technology and culture for today’s youth, gathered a number of young creative leaders from around the world. In connection with the event, UN Youth Envoy Ahmad Alhendawi, Mashable’s…
01 June 2015
UNDESA DSPD (Focal Point on Youth and the Technical Cooperation Unit) carries out a regional training workshop on “Evidence-based policies on Youth Development in the Caribbean”. Organized in partnership with UNDP and The Commonwealth, the workshop…
28 March 2015
The Annual Meeting of the UN Inter-agency Network on Youth Development took place from 24-25 March in UNDP headquarters, New York. UN DESA is the permanent co-chair of the Network, and for 2015/2016 is joined by rotating co-chair UNDP. The Network…
12 October 2014
The biggest problem facing young people around the world — in developing and developed countries — was unemployment and underemployment, youth representatives told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) as it concluded its general…
19 October 2011
Young environmental leaders from 18 developing countries are meeting at a United Nations backed workshop in Germany this week to showcase their own, innovative solutions for sustainable development, ranging from eco-tourism to eco-friendly cooking…
19 October 2011
A new report by the United Nations labour agency warns of a youth jobs crisis in both developed and developing countries, with young people aged 15 to 24 finding it increasingly difficult to obtain decent employment and future prospects are dim. As…
16 September 2011
On September 7th, the UN Programme on Youth is hosting a side-event on youth with disabilities in cooperation with the NGO Leonard Cheshire Disability, the Secretariat to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UNICEF and UNESCO.…