Panel 1: Recent policy developments and initiatives concerning the human rights of older persons
Ageing in urban environments:
Developing age-friendly cities
Ms. Tine Buffel, Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing, UK -
Older persons, humanitarian and disaster emergencies
Mr. Edward Gerlock, Founding Member, Coalition of Services for the Elderly (COSE), Philippines -
Protecting the rights of older people in humanitarian emergencies
Mr. Marcus Skinner, Humanitarian Policy Manager, HelpAge International, UK -
“Addressing dementia” from a human rights perspective
Mr. Raymond Jessurun, VP, Seniors and Pensioners Assoc., St. Maarten -
From rhetoric to action: Implementing the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing
Mr. Marvin Formosa, Director, International Institute on Ageing, Malta -
National coordinating institutions and the protection of human rights of older persons
Ms. Adriana Rovira, Director, National Institute of Older Persons, Uruguay
Panel 2: Recent legislative and legal developments and challenges in the human rights of older persons
Is there a need for a new International Convention on the Rights of Older Persons: Empirical evidence?
Mr. Israel Doron, University of Haifa, Israel -
Older women, age and gender discrimination
Ms. Sandra Huenchuan, ECLAC -
Update on the draft protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Older Persons in Africa
Mr. Johan Lodewyk Strijdom, African Union -
Update on the Organization of the American States’ draft convention Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons
Mr. Iván Chanis, Chairperson, OAS Working Group -
Implementation of the UN CRPD with regard to older persons
Mr. Johan ten Geuzendam, Advisor, Directorate of Equality, European Commission
Panel 3: Older persons and human rights in the post-2015 development agenda
Reflecting human rights issues in indicators
Ms. Grace Sanico Steffan – OHCHR via videoconference -
Process of developing a Sustainable Development Goal indicator framework
Ms. Francesca Perucci, Chief, Statistical Services Branch, Statistics Division, DESA -
Active ageing indicators
Mr. Asghar Zaidi, University of Southampton, UK -
Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of All Human Rights by Older Persons
Ms. Rosita Kornfeld-Matte