Side-events to the fifth session of the Conference of States Parties,12-14 September 2012

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11 September

Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 to 6 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room 4

Title: Civil Society Forum

Organizer: International Disability Alliance with the Support of DESA

See the Programme and Background information.

Time: 1.15 to 2.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room 4

Title: Orientation for new NGOs

Organizer: International Disability Alliance 

Details: Agenda

Time: 1.15 to 2.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room D

Title: Voices from the Global South

Organizer: Disabled Peoples International

Opening Remarks: Ms. Judith Heumann, Special Advisor on International Disability Rights, US Department of State

Chair: Mr. Shuaib Chalklen, UN Special Rapporteur on Disability

Co-chair: Ms. Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, Coordinator, Office for Disability and Inclusive Development, USAID

Panel (in alphabetical order): Mr. Coomara Pyaneandee, disabled activist and nominee to the CRPD Committee, Mauritius; Mr. Danlami Basharu, disabled activist and nominee to the CRPD Committee, Nigeria; Mr. Leslie Emmanuel, Regional Development Officer, North America & Caribbean, DPI; Ms. Meenakshi B., National Disability Network, India; Mr. Mohammed Ali Loutfy,Senior Adviser, Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union; Mr. Moosa Salie, Chairperson, World Network of Users & Survivors of Psychiatry; Ms. Saowalak Thongkuay, Regional Development Officer, Asia-Pacific, DPI; and Ms. Venus Ilagan, Secretary General, Rehabilitation International.

Details: It is estimated that 80 percent of the world's population with disabilities live in the Global South. Yet, there seems to be a dearth of leaders from the Global South at the forums that shape disability policies and dynamics worldwide. The side event will discourse on whether we need to consciously make an effort to ensure that we are reaching those people with disabilities who need our interventions the most and strategies to get more and more voices from the South heard. (34)

12 September

Time: 1.15 – 2.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room 4

Title: Sustainable development: inclusive and accessible

Organizer: Government of Brazil

Co-Sponsors: Governments of Argentina, Cape Verde, Sweden, Uruguay, UN/DESA

Speakers: Maria José Bagnato, Director of the National Disability Program of the Ministry of Social Development of Uruguay and President of the National Honorary Committee on Disabilityl; Malin Ekman-Aldén, Head of the Swedish Delegation to COP5; Antonio José Ferreira, National Secretary for the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Department of Human Rights, Presidency of the Republic, Brazil; Akiko Ito, Chief, Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights for Persons with Disabilities/UN Focal Point on Disability, DESA.

Details: Considering the five specific references to people with disabilities in the outcome document of Rio +20, "The Future We Want", the Government of Brazil has organized this event to discuss the strategies for the implementation of "Sustainable Development, Inclusive and Accessible” goals, in preparation for the High-level Meeting on disability and development on 23 September 2013. (19)

Time: 1.15 – 2.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room D

Title: Violence against Children with Disabilities

Organizer: Human Rights Watch

Co-Sponsors: UNICEF

Speakers: Representative from Child Protection Unit, UNICEF (moderator); Judith Heumann, Special Advisor on International Disability Rights, US State Department;

Alice Farmer, Children’s Rights Researcher, Human Rights Watch; Elinor Milne, Program Officer, Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children; Alana Officer, Coordinator for Disability and Rehabilitation, World Health Organization

Details: Children with disabilities are more likely than other children to experience violence in their daily lives. This panel will discuss some of the forms of violence that children with disabilities experience, including corporal punishment, sexual abuse, and forced sterilization, and what states and child welfare advocates can do to address this violence. (4)

Time: 1.15 – 2.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

Title: Ensuring the CRPD is working for refugee women and children

Organizer: Permanent Mission of Australia to the UN

Co-Sponsors: Women’s Refugee Commission, UNHCR

Speakers: Mr. Peter Versegi, Minister-Counsellor AusAID, Australian Mission (moderator); Mr. Udo Janz, Director of UNHCR (New York); Ms. Emma Pearce, Disabilities Program Officer – Women’s Refugee Commission; Representative of a Disabled Persons’ Organisations (details TBC)

Details: Refugee and displaced women and children with disabilities face particular protection concerns, especially regarding sexual violence, but lack access to most mainstream programs and decision making mechanisms. This panel discussion will showcase good practice in addressing the needs and empowerment of this group as well as strategies to ensure that the CRPD is working for them. (8)

Time: 3.00 – 4.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room D

Title: Including Women and Children with Disabilities in Programming

Organizer: Rehabilitation International and Harvard Law School Project on Disability

Speakers: Rosangela Berman Bieler, Senior Advisor on Children with Disabilities, UNICEF; Venus Ilagan, Secretary General, Rehabilitation International (co-chair); Jan Monsbakken, President-elect, Rehabilitation International; Michael Stein, Executive Director, Harvard Law School Project on Disability (co-chair); Aubrey Webson, Head of International Programs, Perkins International

Details: The speakers at this event will discuss programs they have run that effectively included women and children with disabilities across a number of States, and lessons that can be drawn from their field work for ensuring the inclusion of women and children with disabilities. (15)

Time: 3.00 – 4.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

Title: Working Together to Implement Inclusive Education (Article 24)

Organizer: UNICEF, UNESCO, UNICEF Regional Office for CEE/CIS, UNESCO, Aus AID

Speakers: AusAID rep: Chair (to be confirmed); UNESCO rep: to be confirmed; UNICEF CEE/CIS: Mr. Philippe Testot-Ferry – Regional Education Advisor;UNICEF-REAP: Mr. Richard Rieser – Consultant on Education and Disability Equality

Details: There is an urgent need to build collaboration and coordination across international agencies and others such as DPOs and NGOs on implementing the right to Inclusive Education for PWD at all levels. Some current work from UNICEF CEE/CIS, UNICEF-REAP and UNESCO will be presented as a catalyst to move forward on the implementation of Article 24. All delegates welcome. Lunch provided. (28)

Time: 4.45 – 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room D

Title: Good practice in inclusive education: Voices from the Commonwealth

Organizer: Commonwealth Secretariat

Speakers: Peter Reading –Human Rights Advisor, Commonwealth Secretariat; Ms. Annie Koshi – Principal at St. Mary’s School, New Delhi; Mr. Rabjot Singh (Age: 14 years) – Disabled student and high achiever at St. Mary’s School, New Delhi; Mr. Paul Mumba – Teacher at Nyanji Basic School, Zambia; Ms AbiaAkram - Graduate Student, Pakistan.

Details: This side-event will showcase good practice examples from the Commonwealth with regards to inclusive education. We will bring to the event compelling voices of testimony from teachers in India and Zambia to share their experiences, challenges and lessons learnt through their work in mainstreaming inclusive education. Rabjot Singh, will talk of his experiences in mainstream schooling and the impact this has had on his life over the past 8 years and his hopes for the future. Abia will speak of her experience as a student with a disability and her work in the struggle of giving voice to emerging young women leaders with disabilities.CART services and sign language will be available. All delegates are welcome. (5)

Time: 4.45 – 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

Title: The right to express oneself for children with disabilities

Organizer: The Danish Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration

Co-Sponsors: European Disability Forum, Disabled Peoples Organisation Denmark, Unicef, Inclusion International

Speakers: Lieve Sabbe, Programme specialist, Unicef; Klaus Lachwitz President, Inclusion International; Signe Højsteen Senior advisor, Disabled Peoples Organisation Denmark

Details: Scrutinizing the right to be heard according to the CRC and CRPD, and how this right can be implemented for children with disabilities we will present examples of good practice and indicate how far reaching consequences the a full implementation have for persons with disabilities and for societies and communities. (10)

Time: 6.15 to 7.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

Title: Microfinance and financial inclusion of persons with disabilities

Organizer: Center for Financial Inclusion at ACCION in conjunction with DESA and the GPDD

Chair and Moderator: Joshua Goldstein, Principal Director for Economic Citizenship and Disability Inclusion, Center for Financial Inclusion at ACCION.

Rapporteur: Maria Veronica Reina, Executive Director, Global Partnership for Disability and Development

Speakers: Hervé Bernard, Technical Resources Division, INCLUSION Unit Manager, Social Services, Livelihoods and Education Handicap International, France; Flavia Bwire, Association of Microfinance Institutions, (AMFIU) Uganda; Brian Clancy, Chair, Advisory Council, Center for Financial Inclusion at ACCION

Mosharraf Hossain, Country Director, ADD International, Bangladesh; Hanadi Tutunji, Programme Specialist, Inclusive Finance, Financial Inclusion Practice Area, UNCDF.

Details: The panelists will examine the important role microfinance can play in empowering persons with disabilities to access financial services, including loans, grants and savings. Exciting, groundbreaking work is being done today to advance inclusion, but much more needs to be done. Persons with disabilities encounter multiple barriers in accessing employment. As a result they are among the most marginalized and poorest in every society. More opportunities must be provided to persons with disabilities to generate income-- enabling them to lead independent lives and contribute to the development of their communities. More information: and (31)


13 September

Time: 10.00 a.m. – 11.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room D

Title: Access to Justice in the Criminal System for Persons with Disabilities: Implementation and Challenges

Organizer: Bizchut - The Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities

Co-Sponsors: Israel Commission for Equal Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Justice; Israel, Israel Permanent Mission to the UN

Speakers: Professor Arlene S. Kanter, Bond, Schoeneck & King Distinguished Professor of Law, Director of the Disability Law and Policy Program, Co-director, Center on Human Policy, Law, and Disability Studies, Syracuse University College of Law; Dr. Diane Bryen, Professor Emerita and former Executive Director of The Institute on Disabilities, Temple University; Mr. Ahiya Kamara, Commissioner, The Commission for Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Justice, Israel; Ms. Naama Lerner, Director of Community Outreach, Bizchut - The Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities; Adv. Sharon Primor, Legal Counsel, Bizchut - The Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities.

Details: The discussion will explore the principles and implementation requirements of Article 13 in criminal proceedings. We will discuss the challenges and dilemmas which legal systems may encounter while realizing Article 13, through examination of the Israeli law model as well as general legal concepts and tools. CART services will be available and a short film will be showed. Prior to the beginning of the side-event, a light breakfast will be served at 9:30 AM.  More information: (9)

Time: 10.00 a.m. – 11.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

Title: Making it Work methodology

Organizer: Handicap International

Speakers: Lisa Adams, International Coordinator Making It Work, Handicap International; Priscille Geiser, Head of Support to Civil Society Technical Unit, Handicap International, other speakers TBC.

Details: The MIW International Coordination team will present the new revised MIW tools and guidelines to participants in an interactive session in which individuals will work together to see how the MIW tools apply to their work.   The team will also present the online good practice database.  An organization using the MIW methodology will also present their experience. 

Presentations: (13)

Time: 10.00 a.m. – 11.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room 5

Title: Involuntary sterilization: developing a WHO statement

Organizer: World Health Organization

Co-Sponsors: Inclusion International (INGO)

Speakers: Ms Alana Officer, Coordinator for disability and rehabilitation, WHO, Ms Luisa Cabral, Vice President of Programs, Centre for Reproductive Rights. Canadian woman with intellectual disability, representing Inclusion International

Details: A presentation of the draft WHO statement on involuntary sterilization, together with discussion of reproductive rights with a focus on people with intellectual disabilities.  The goal of this event is to raise awareness about involuntary sterilization and get feedback from diverse stakeholders on the proposed WHO statement. Contributions received during this event will be considered in the finalization of the document. CART services and sign language will be available. (25)

Time: 11.45 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room D

Title: Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities: Exploring Challenges and Good Practices

Organizer: The World Bank Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development

Co-Sponsors: American Bar Association, AUSAID, Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University, Global Partnership for Disability and Development, United Nations Development Programme, USAID, Women Enabled, Inc., World Bank

Moderator: Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, Coordinator for Disability Inclusive Development, USAID

Speakers: Stephanie Ortoleva,  Founder and President, Women Enabled, Inc., Co-Chair American Society for International Law Disability rights Interest Group; David Allen Larson, Professor of Law, Senior Fellow, Dispute Resolution Institute Hamline niversity School of Law, Fellow of the American Bar Foundation; Peter Blanck, Chairman, Burton Blatt Institute and University Professor, Syracuse University; Shelley Inglis, Head, UNDP Access to Justice Team; and Layton Pike, Assistant Director-General, Governance and Social Development Branch - Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) 

Details: Persons with disabilities are often denied access to fair and equal treatment within justice systems. This event will present;  current practices and challenges in access to justice by persons with disabilities, emerging  good  practices that  ensure fair and equal treatment, and introduce a multi-stakeholder knowledge-exchange forum to promote Article 13. The Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development (GFLJD) is a permanent global forum that seeks to connect experts and stakeholders from around the world and provide a mechanism for continual and efficient knowledge exchange and for the cogeneration of innovative solutions to development challenges based on efficiency, equity and justice. More information: (22)

Time: 11.45 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

Title: The right to earn a living: young women with disabilities call for action

Organizer: Leonard Cheshire Disability

Co-Sponsors: International Labour Organization will be participating

Speakers: 2 representatives from Leonard Cheshire Disability ‘Young Voices of persons with disabilities’ programme; Dr Barbara Murray, Senior Disability Specialist, International Labour Organization; Dr Maria Kett, Assistant Director, Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre; Professor Nora Ellen Groce, Leonard Cheshire Chair and Director, Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre will chair the session

Details: This side-event titled ‘The right to earn a living: young women with disabilities call for action’ will feature presentations by young people with disabilities, academicians and by the ILO on how young women with disabilities can best realise their hopes for and entitlement to employment rights now and after 2015.

Post Conference summary (provided by organizer): The highlight of the event was presentations of Young Voices members from Indiaand the Philippineswho explained what it is like to study and work in mainstream settings when you have a disability. What are the challenges? What needs to change? How can their experiences feed into real progress in policy and practice? This was backed up by presentations by Dr Barbara Murray, Senior Disability Specialist at the ILO, complemented their call for action with information on the ILO’s work in this field. Discussing her new research on vocational training for young people with disabilities, Dr Maria Kettconsidered how to make training programs both inclusive and effective. Professor Nora Groce, Chair of the Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre, University College London, moderated the session. More information and presentations: (23)

Time: 11.45 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room 5

Title: How Can the ICT Industry Contribute to Implementing Article 9 of the CRPD?

Organizer: G3ict – Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (UN GAID)

Co-Sponsors: Adobe Systems, AT&T, Ephox Corporation, IBM, Microsoft, Time Warner Cable 

Introductory Remarks: JavedAbidi, Chair, Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI); Vice-chair, International Disability Alliance (IDA)

Latest data of the 2012 CRPD ICT Accessibility Progress Report on produced by G3ict, in cooperation with Disabled Peoples’ International – Axel Leblois, Executive Director, G3ict

Session Chair: John Kemp, President and CEO, Abilities! 

Panelists: Andrew Kirkpatrick, Group Product Manager, Accessibility, Adobe Systems; Fernando Laguarda, VP, External Affairs and Policy Counselor, Time Warner Cable; Susan Mazrui, Director, Global Public Policy, AT&T Services, Inc.; Tom Smith, VP, Worldwide Sales and Business Development, Ephox Corporation; James Thurston, Sr. Strategist – Global Policy & Standards, Microsoft; Frances West, Worldwide Director, IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center.

Details: ICT Industry leaders proactively support the implementation of the CRPD in matters of ICT accessibility. ICT industry representatives will share their perspectives on how their organizations can contribute to implement the ICT accessibility dispositions of the CRPD and discuss how policies and programs may foster new opportunities leveraging Public-Private partnerships. (21)

Time: 11 a.m. – 12 noon

Venue: Conference Room 2

Title: The Accessible City Regulations and Universal Standards Accreditation System

Organizer: World Disability Foundation (WDF) and World Disability Union (WDU)

Co-Sponsors: Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations

Opening Speech: Metin Senturk, President of the World Disability Union and the World Disability Foundation

Moderator:    Assoc. Prof. Asli Sungur Ergenoglu

Speakers: Necdet Ozturk : “A General View of Accessibility and the Accessible City Regulations”; Linnie Tse: “The Importance of Accessible Communities: Comparison of Canadian and International Standards”; Assoc. Prof. Asli Sungur Ergenoglu: “The Role of Universities in Achieving Healthy and Accessible Environments”; Assoc. Prof. Gulay Yedekci Arslan: “The Creation of Barrier-Free Cities According to the Accessible City Regulations and Making Turkey Fully Accessible” ; Seniz  Ozturk: “Universal Design Application to Transform a Tourism Complex to be Barrier-Free”; Ayhan Bahceli: “A Barrier-Free Basaksehir: An Example of Local Government Accessibility Implementation”; Ibrahim Yesilirmak : USTAD “Where Are We Going? “

Details: The Accessible City Regulations was devised in light of Article 9 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Local government services and application geared toward persons with disabilities will be based on the Accessible City Regulations. The Accessible City Regulations was completed with the cooperation of pertinent institutions of 65 countries under World Disability Foundation coordination. Some examples of best practices in public buildings, local government and the private sector (mall and hotel) completed according the Accessible City Regulations will be presented. The World Disability Foundation Universal Standard Certification (USTAD) and the World Disability Union Accreditation System will be presented. More information: . (2)

Time: 12 noon – 1 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room 2

Title: World Report on Perceptions of Disability Workshop

Organizer: World Disability Foundation (WDF) and World Disability Union (WDU)

Co-Sponsors: Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nation

Moderator:    Prof. Akile Resid Gursoy

Speakers: Necdet Ozturk: “Perceptions of Disability and the Transformation of Social Mentality”; Yasemin Yusufoff: “The Importance of the World Report on Perceptions of Disability”; Prof. Dr. Nedret Kuran Burcoglu: “The Role of and Expectations from Universities for the World Report on Perception of Disability”; Prof. Dr. Akile Resid Gursoy: “World Report on Perceptions of Disability Aims and Results”; Prof. Roy Hanes:  “The Social Construction of Disability through Historical and Cross Cultural Lenses”; Betsy Valnes: “The Role of Individuals in Social Change and the Evolution of Human Understanding”; Lolita Gulimanoska: “The Effect of Perceptions of Disability on Human Psychology”.

Details: The World Report on Perceptions of Disability was prepared in accordance and within the framework of Article 8 of the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

 The WDF has initiated a global study of perceptions toward disability and persons with disabilities, aiming to evaluate and improve perceptions of disabilities and persons with disabilities. The study will be realized by organizations and institutions of 65 countries, in partnership with universities.

 The proposed research methodology and outline will be presented at this side-event. As the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities emphasizes the importance of raising awareness, the WDF and the WDU aim to join forces with the United Nations and other relevant international organizations to realize a comprehensive world report. More information: (1)

Time: 1.15 to 2.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room 4

Title: Women with disabilities and employment

Organizer: Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations

Co-sponsors: DESA, World Bank

Speakers: (TBC)

Details: The Panel will explore the gender perspective of disability particularly focusing on the key issues related to the employment of women with disabilities. The panelists will highlight significant barriers to labour market participation of women with disabilities and share successful experiences and good practices of overcoming common obstacles to improve their living standards, attain economic independence and contribute to the development of their community. (30)

Time: 1.15 – 2.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room D

Title: URGENCY and HOPE: Report from Global Leaders in Autism Research, Education, Treatment and Policy

Organizer: ICare4autism – Global Center for Autism Research & Education

Co-Sponsors: PM of Israel

Speakers: Dr. Eric Hollander, Director of the Autism Spectrum Disorder Program at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Chairman, Icare4autism – Global Center for Autism Research & Education Professional Advisory Committee; Dr. Joshua Weinstein, PH,D, M.B.A. Founder & CEO, Icare4autism-Global Center for Autism Research and Education; A philanthropist; A small panel of leading international researchers from Asia, Latin America and Europe

Details: The International Center for Autism Research and Education (icare4autism) will present breakthrough biomedical, clinical and educational research from its 2012 Conference in Jerusalem, and recommendations from its International Advisory Council, for new collaborations to meet the challenge of dramatically increased worldwide autism incidence through improved methods of diagnosis and intervention. Visit the ICare4Autism website for more information. (14)

Time: 1.15 – 2.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

Title: The Multifaceted Violence against Women with Disabilities

Organizer: Mission of Sweden and The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare

Speakers: Ms. Venus Ilagan – Secretary-General of Rehabilitation International, Mr. Shuaib Chalklen – UN Special Rapporteur on Disability, Ms. Ann Jönsson – Programme Officer at the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, Mr. Carl Älfvåg – Director-General of the Swedish Agency for Disability Policy Coordination.

Details: The event aims to address the problem of violence against women with disabilities. Why are women with disabilities a particularly vulnerable group when it comes to violence? In what different ways can the violence manifest? What do we know about society´s attitudes to the women? What can the UN system do , according to the CRPD, in order to improve the support to the women, and to prevent violence? CART services and sign language will be available. In connection with the side-event a light lunch will be served, beginning at 12.45 pm. 

Post-event summary (submitted by organizer):  Women with disabilities run a high risk of violence due to their dependence, invisibility or defencelessness. Women with psychological and intellectual disabilities are at particular risk. The violence can be physical, sexual and psychological. In developing countries patriarchal cultures often leads to that the woman is blamed. The problem is invisible on the political agenda. It is necessary to put pressure on the UN system. UN agencies, e.g WHO, UNDP, UNICEF need to work with issues concerning disabilities and violence against women in an integrated manner. The situation of women living in institutions and in refugee camps is a particular challenge. Visit the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare for more information.  (7)

Time: 1.15 – 2.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room 5

Title: Political participation, rights and accesses of persons with disabilities

Organizer: Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the UN and International Disability Alliance (IDA)

Co-Sponsors: ECUADOR and IDA

Speakers: Vice-president of Ecuador, H.E. Mr. Lenin Moreno; other speaker to be announced.

Details: With the side event Ecuador and IDA wish to promote the rights of persons with disabilities, promote their political participation and their accessibility to the public services and promote their right to participate in all fields and activities in society.

Post-event summary (submitted by organizer): SUMMARY OF THE SIDE EVENT: In the framework of the Fifth Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in the United Nations headquarters in New York, the Vice- President of Ecuador Mr. Lenin Moreno, as a Special Invited from the Conference of States Parties, participate as well as the main panelist of the event organize by the Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the UN and the International Disabilities Alliance IDA, entitled "Political participation, rights and accesses for people with disabilities".  Vice-president of Ecuador exposed the achievements of the Government of Ecuador in the social development field, in particular the inclusion of persons with disabilities. He explained the work of the Solidarity Mission Manuela Espejo, noting that this has been possible thanks to the support of all sectors including NGO's and with the generous help of the Government and brotherly people of Cuba.

Ms. Regina Atalla from The International Disabilty Alliance and Mr. Javed Abidi, Disable People's International made as well impressive presentations on the progressive implementation of the Convention, in particular with regard to the political participation of persons with disabilities. Mr. Javed Abidi presented the case of India. Ms. Regina welcomed the nomination of Vice-president Lenin Moreno as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Price. 

The event was the busiest one of the session. It was attended by delegates from the governments of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Mexico, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Brazil, Cuba, Spain, Australia, Belgium, between African governments highlighted the presence of the Minister Malawi for social inclusion of people with disabilities. The event also counted with the participation  of human rights experts from all continents, UN officials, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, of the Pan American Health Organization, and people from civil society and NGO's attached to the Alliance Disabilities International, who supported the event in recognition of the work of the National Government.

At the end of the event, Mr. Vice President was cheered by the audience, including persons with disabilities who exhorted their own countries to follow the example of Ecuador. The event featured english-spanish interpretation, besides sign language interpretation, and writing service characters simultaneously, allowing broad participation of people with disabilities, who thanked the Ecuadorian government inclusiveness of the event. The participants congratulated as well the work done by IDA. There is still a lot to do and cooperation is still needed among Governments, the Civil Society and the United Nations.

Photographs (submitted by organizer): Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4. (11)

Time: 1.15 – 2.45 p.m.

Venue: (Off-site event) United States Mission, 45 Street and 1st Avenue (across the street from the UN Headquarters)

Title: Leveraging the Law: Adopting and enforcing effective disability rights legislation and the essential role of civil society

Organizer: United States Mission to the United Nations

Speakers: Moderator: Ms. Judith Heumann, Special Advisor for International Disability Rights, U.S. Department of State. Panelists: Ms. Marca Bristo, President and CEO Access Living, President United States International Council on Disabilities; Ms. Eve Hill, Senior Counselor to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Justice; Ms. Peggy Mastroianni, Legal Counsel, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Details: This panel discussion addresses the roles of Government and civil society in the United States in developing effective laws and standards to combat discrimination and uphold the human rights of persons with disabilities. Please reply to Kathleen Herrera at

Time: 3.00 – 4.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room D

Title: European Union: The experience of a Regional organization in the UNCRPD

Organizer: European Commission

Co-Sponsors: European Disability Forum

Speakers: Johan Ten Geuzendam – Head of Unit of persons with disabilities of the European Commission (focal point); Engelbert Theueurmann, Chair of the EU Council Working Group on Human rights (coordination mechanism) or one of the Member States delegates also active in COHOM; Yannis Vardakastanis – President of the European Disability Forum

Details: The side-event will present the experience of a regional intergovernmental organization in the implementation process of the UNCRPD by describing the mechanisms for implementation, including the framework to promote, protect and monitor the implementation, the involvement of organisations of persons with disabilities and the implications for the EU policy-making.  (12)

Time: 3.00 – 4.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

Title: Make the Right Real in Korea

Organizer: Korea Disabled People’s Development Institute (KODDI)

Co-Sponsors: Ministry of Health & Welfare of the Republic of Korea

Speakers: Seung Chol Choi  (Head of Division of Rights Promotion Research, KODDI); Ju-hee Hwang (Senior researcher, Division of Rights Promotion Research, KODDI)

Details: Speaker 1: Korea’s Policy for persons with disabilities

- The Five-year Policy Development Plan for Persons with Disabilities

- The Anti-Discrimination against and Remedies for Persons with Disabilities Act

Speaker 2: UNESCAP  High-level Intergovernmental Meeting

- Incheon Strategy  for persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific

- Incheon International Conferences on Disability. (17)

Time: 3.00 – 4.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room 5

Title: Engaging Social Media – Leveraging the Power of Disability

Organizer: ABILITY Awareness

Co-Sponsors: ABILITY Magazine, China Press for People with Disabilities 

Speakers: Marcel Bucsescu - Manager of The Conference Board Governance Center - producers of the Consumer Confidence Index; Paula Pearlman, Esq - Executive Director of the Disability Rights Legal Center (DRLC); Justin Stockton - Application and accessibility developer for Devis (US Government and the international community); John McMahon - Multi-media production manager for Cause Related Media; Jessica Devaney - Digital communications and new media engagement strategist for Just Vision (Palestinian and Israeli region); Salma Hasan Ali - Self described as a novice and non-tech person, Salma shares her experience and ease to tiptoe into blogging; Chet Cooper - Panel moderator. Executive Director of ABILITY Awareness and Publisher of ABILITY Magazine;

Details: Social media’s tremendous power rests in the hands of those using it. Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have revolutionized the very notion of influence. We will discuss; social media tools, measurable performance, Web influencers, value of unique information and content generation. More information: (18)

Time: 4.45 – 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room D

Title: Shadow Reporting:  Process, Prospects & Problems

Organizer: One Billion Strong (OBS)

Co-Sponsors: Harvard Law School Project on Disability; University of New South Wales Human Rights Centre

Speakers: Ron McCallam, CRPD Committee (Moderator); Janet Lord, OBS (Presenter); Michael Stein, Harvard Law School Project on Disability (Presenter); Rosemary Kayess, University of New South Wales, Human Rights Centre & PWD Australia (Presenter)

Details: This side event discusses disability human rights reporting as a tool for legal empowerment. Speakers will consider shadow and other reporting variants for advancing law reform, enforcement, and other actions. The event will launch A Thematic Guide on Disability Human Rights Reporting, a resource to support DPOs in reporting advocacy. (27)

Time: 4.45 – 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

Title: HIV, Disability and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Challenges and Opportunities

Organizer: Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation

Co-Sponsors: UNAIDS

Speakers: Elisse Zack, Executive Director, Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (Introducing session, context and speakers) 5 min.; Wendy Porch, Disability Specialist and Education Coordinator, Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (Speaking on the disabling effects of HIV and the connections between pre-existing disabilities and vulnerability to HIV, lack of accessible services and other similar issues) 10 min.; Allison deFranco Director, Human Rights and Inclusive Development Practice BlueLaw International LLP on Behalf of One Billion Strong[WP1]  . (Speaking on the CRPD, Disability and HIV, how the CRPD can be used to protect the rights of people living with HIV) 10 min.; Moderated Group Discussion 50 min. with the larger groufor group discussion.

Details: This side event is intended to explore:

- The links between HIV, disability and the CRPD.

- Challenges faced by people living with HIV and other disabilities.

- Programmes and policies that integrate HIV and the CRPD.

- How the CRPD can be used to protect the human rights of people living with HIV (20)

Time: 4.45 – 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room 5

Title: Early childhood development and disability

Organizer: World Health Organization

Co-Sponsors: UNICEF

Speakers: Amy Farkas – Partnerships Specialist, Disability Section, UNICEF; Alana Officer – Coordinator disability and rehabilitation WHO. This event is an opportunity for all interested parties to express their views on priorities and next steps for inclusive early childhood development.

Details: UNICEF and WHO are launching a new discussion document entitled “Early childhood development and disability” to help stimulate discussion, planning and action on issues related to disability, early childhood development and early childhood intervention.  This interactive event will provide the first opportunity for diverse stakeholders - advocates, policy makers, and early intervention specialists - to discuss the content of the document, priorities for action and the next steps. CART services and sign language will be available. (26)

Time: 6.15 to 7.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

Title: Harnessing The Power Of Partnerships with Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Insights Into Successful Transitions to Adulthood

Organizer: World Enabled/Pineda Foundation for Youth

Co-sponsor: UNICEF, Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre, Silicon Valley Independent Living Center

Speakers: Dr. Nora Groce (Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre), Gopal Mitra, (UNICEF), Valerie Karr and Stephen Meyers (World Enabled/Pineda Foundation for Youth), Sarah Triano, (Silicon Valley Independent Living Center), Ben Perez (Disabled Student’s Union, UC Berkeley), Dagnachew Wakene (African Disability Secretariat). 

Details:  This side-session showcases practical aspects, best practices and the way forward in ensuring the effective transition of youth with disabilities to adulthood. The session includes statements by youth advocates from the African Youth with Disabilities Network and the University of California Berkeley speaking about the need to focus on youth empowerment, and a review of the current state of research and practice by a distinguished panel.. (32)

14 September

Time: 10.00 – 11.30 a.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

Title: Global leadership of women with disabilities

Organizer:  DSPD/DESA, Mobility International USA

Speakers may include (TBC): Ms. Daniela Bas, Director, Division for Social Policy and Development/DESA; Ms.Susan Sygall, CEO, Mobility International USA; Ms. Maria Veronica Reina, Executive Director of the Global Partnership on Disability and Development, World Bank; Ms. Venus Llagen, Secretary-General, Rehabilitation International

Details: Forthcoming. (33)

Time: 10.00 – 11.30 a.m.

Venue: Conference Room D

Title: Make the First Five Count

Organizer: Easter Seals, Inc., Rehabilitation International, United States International Council on Disability

Speakers: Katherine Beh Neas; Vice President, Government Relations; Easter Seals, Inc., others (TBC)

Details: When young children with special needs and developmental delays are identified and provided early intervention services that strengthen their physical, social, emotional and intellectual abilities, they are better able to join other children their age to learn and play, build life skills and achieve their dreams. To ensure that every child in the United States has such opportunities, Easter Seals launched Make the First Five Count, a public education and service outreach effort to raise awareness of the importance of early identification and intervention. Easter Seals seeks to share the lessons and best practices of our experience with children’s advocates and service providers in other nations to facilitate understanding and use of this campaign to benefit all children globally. (29)

Time: 11.45 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room D

Title: Implementing Article 30.5 -- The Right to Sport for All Persons with Disabilities

Organizer: Institute for Human Centered Design (formerly Adaptive Environments)

Co-Sponsors: Brown University, International Committee of Sports for the Deaf, International Paralympic Committee, Special Olympics International, and United Nations Office of Sport for Development and Peace

Speakers: Ann Cody, Governing Board Member, International Paralympic Committee; Mark Cooper, CEO, International Committee of Sports for the Deaf; Eric Dienes, Liaison Officer, United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace; David Evangelista, Vice President, Special Olympics International; Eli Wolff, Program Director, IHCD/Brown University

Details: This side-event will provide perspectives on the implementation of Article 30.5 addressing the right to sport, recreation and play for all persons with disabilities. The session will address work and activities through the UNOSDP, Paralympics, Special Olympics and Deaflympics, and will highlight good practices and case studies from around the world, with a particular focus on women and children with disabilities. More information: Read the summary of the event.(6)

Time: 11.45 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

Title: Empowering students with disabilities (Article 24) and exhibition of authentic culture of persons with disabilities as tool of promotion CRPD (Article 8)

Organizer: Little People of Kosova

Speakers: Prof. Ass. Dr. Alush Musaj, Hiljmnijeta Apuk

Details: A Two-Part Series: Part One: Presentation of good practices on accessibility to students with disabilities; Part Two: exhibition of artworks of authentic culture of persons with disabilities as tool of promotion CRPD, positive perceptions and greater social awareness towards persons with disabilities. (24)

Time: 1.15 – 2.30 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room D

Title: Mental Health Practices and the Rights of People with Psychosocial Disabilities

Organizer: Human Rights Watch


Speakers: Moosa Salie, President, World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (moderator and panelist); Medi Ssengooba, Finberg Fellow, Human Rights Watch; Rebecca Schleifer, Health and Human Rights Advocacy Director, Human Rights Watch; Robert Dinerstein, Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law

Details: This panel will discuss how mental health legislation and institutionalization often conflict with the rights people with psychosocial disabilities. Presenters will discuss recent research on institutions and mental health legal changes in Ghana and Peru and place these examples in a worldwide context to illustrate how practices in many countries may lead to legally-sanctioned human rights abuses. (3)

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