Disability News

12 May 2016
Finland ratified the Convention and the Optional Protocol on 11 May 2016, bringing the total number of States Parties to the CRPD to 164 and total ratification of the Optional Protocol to 89. Working towards universal ratification and implementation…
10 May 2016
This October, Habitat III – the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – will take place in Ecuador to design and launch a transformative and inclusive “New Urban Agenda” for the world cities in the next two decades.…
26 April 2016
Japan earthquake A series of earthquakes and aftershocks has hit Kumamoto Prefecture on Kyushu Island in southern Japan since 14 April, including a 6.5 magnitude tremor on 14 April, a 7.3 magnitude that hit on 16 April and a 5.8 magnitude tremor on…
22 April 2016
Key dates: 25-29 April 2016: Open-ended Informal Consultative Meeting on the Zero Draft of Habitat III Outcome Document in New York; 6-7 June 2016: Informal Hearing with Stakeholders in New York; 25-27 July 2016: The third session of the…
19 April 2016
Brunei Darussalam ratified the Convention on 11 April 2016, bringing the total number of States Parties to the CRPD to 163. Working towards universal ratification and implementation of the CRPD: Ratifications and Signatories of the Convention and…
11 April 2016
The March 2016 issue of the UN Enable Newsletter is now available! In this issue: - Status of the CRPD - News from UN Headquarters - World Humanitarian Summit - News from other UN entities - Calendar of international disability events - Other news…
04 April 2016
Status of refugees and migrants with disabilities Migration and displacement are important issues for both human rights and development policy-makers and practitioners.  By definition, migration refers to both voluntary movement (e.g. migrant…
31 March 2016
World Autism Awareness Day, 2 April 2016 Theme: “Autism and the 2030 Agenda: Inclusion and Neurodiversity” Watch the LIVE WEBCAST of the event at UN Headquarters on 1 April Find out more about the World Autism Awareness Day Message of the UN…
29 March 2016
The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities began its 15th session on 29 March that will continue up to 21 April 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland. During this session, the Committee will examine the initial reports of Chile, Lithuania,…
21 March 2016
World Down Syndrome Day, 21 March21 March 2016 Watch the LIVE WEBCAST Find out more about World Down Syndrome Day Message of the UN Secretary-General on World Down Syndrome Day By adopting the ambitious and universal 2030 Agenda for Sustainable…
18 March 2016
The sixtieth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60) opened at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 14 March 2016. Representatives of Member States, UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations (…
10 February 2016
On Thursday, 21 April 2016 at United Nations Headquarters in New York, the President of the UN General Assembly H.E. Mogens Lykketoft will convene a High-level Thematic Debate on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to support prompt…