49th CSocD session

49th Session, 9 - 18 February 2011 - New York

  • Documents
  • Youth delegates from Member States
  • Youth NGO participation (See NGO Registration requirements)
  • Commission for Social Development, 49th Session (Main Page)


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Germany: Clara Leiva Burger, Jens Christoph Parker
Ghana: Andrew Poku-Bonsu
Slovakia: Dana Vyzinkarova
Vietnam: Hung Tran


Clara Leiva BurgerClara Leiva Burger (21): She comes from a small town near Nürnberg in Bavaria. For the past three years she has been studying social work at the Catholic University near Munich. Youth participation is very important for Clara. Since the age of 9 she has been an active member of the KjG, the Catholic Youth Association where participation takes place on every level. She is engaged as a leader in a parish youth group to organize events and summer camps and to speak up for the issues facing boys and girls. Therefore she develops and implements structures which support co-determination in order to motivate young people to take on social and political responsibility. An important task of Clara's work as a member of the Woman Assembly Committee is to enforce equal treatment between men and women as well as handling of gender-specific needs. On regional level, she represents interests of young people as a Board member of the Youth Council while organizing projects in her hometown. Clara's motto is: “Every young person has a voice which should be used and heard! Everyone can participate. Only those who are taking an active part in decision-making create a world where growing up is a pleasant and exciting journey!” Contact Clara at: clara@jugenddelegierte.de

Jens Christoph ParkerJens Christoph Parker (22): He studies economics in Frankfurt am Main, while working simultaneously at Commerzbank AG. He collected experiences in the field of working with children and youth as a group leader of the German Lifeguard Association and being a class representative. Having participated at several Models United Nations (MUNs) as a part of delegations of the German Youth in Science and Society Association (JGW), Jens learned a lot about the work of the United Nations and international politics. Today he is an active member of the Green Youth, Amnesty International and the student networks of ethics and economics in practice (sneep). Jens has many interests, including youth unemployment, youth participation, environment, anti-discrimination and human rights. Jens motto is: “In a world, which is growing together very fast, where opportunities and challenges are close to each other, youth participation is becoming more and more important.” Therefore he is looking forward to getting in contact with a lot of young people in order to represent the view of the youth living in Germany at the United Nations General Assembly 2010. Contact Jens at: jens@jugenddelegierte.de


Dana VyzinkarovaDana Vyzinkarova (24): She is currently studying Environmental Technology and International Affairs at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna. She has received her first degree in biochemistry. Dana works part-time in the European Youth Card Association, which promotes youth mobility through issuing the European Youth Card. Her main areas of interest are youth and environment and development and humanitarian aid. Recently she completed an internship at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for Development and Humanitarian Aid, as a preparation to the UN General Assembly. Dana enjoys learning foreign languages and finding out about foreign cultures and global issues.


Hung Tran: He is a third year BA student in Economics, Government and Legal Studies at Bowdoin college, USA. He holds a firm belief in the United Nations' ability to cope with increasingly challenging global issues and the united youth's power to contribute to the betterment of their countries. Hung co-founded and is currently serving as the CEO of NES Inc., a social enterprise focusing on media and administrative technologies specialized for corporations, governmental organizations and end users in Vietnam. He co-chaired the VietAbroader Business Conferene in Hanoi while being one of the four representatives of Vietnam to the One Young World Summit in London. He has participated in politics at home with his main agenda of exposing youth to the major decision making process through the Youth Union and the National Assembly.


Information Note on ECOSOC accredited Youth NGOs participation at the Forty-Ninth session of the Commission for Social Development, which will take place from 9 to 18 February 2011 in Conference Room 4 at the United Nations North Lawn Building (NLB) in New York. The Priority Theme of the session is “Poverty Eradication”. In addition to the priority theme, the session will include review of relevant United Nations plans and programmes of action pertaining to the situation of social groups such as: disabled persons, youth, ageing, and the family. Information on the session will be regularly up-dated at the following link: www.un.org/esa/socdev/csocd/2011.html

NGOs Statements to the 49th Session of the Commission for Social Development