
Youth delegates at the 52nd CSocD session


Youth delegates at the 52nd CSocD session

Milena Andreeva, aged 26, is a Bulgarian youth delegate to the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly and the 52nd Commission on Social Development (2013-2014). Driven by a willingness to make a difference and recognizing the importance of the effective defence diplomacy as means to preclude national and international conflicts and crises, she undertook an internship at the International Military Staff, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Headquarters. Currently Milena is working at the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria as a military cooperation expert.

Milena obtained her second Master’s degree in International Peace and Security at Korea University, Seoul as a scholarship grantee of the Korean Government. Her first MA and BA in Economic Logistics are from the National Military University of Bulgaria and she is also a BA candidate at the American College of Thessaloniki, Greece, majoring in Diplomacy and International Relations.

In line with her genuine interest in the peace and security domain and its relation to youth, she also acted as President of the East Asian Society at Korea University concentrating in peace and security studies of East Asia. Milena’s extensive cultural experience has given her a deep insight into the needs of young people around the world. This is why she recognizes efficient networking, interconnectivity, coordination, and interdependence as key instruments for the enhancement of human, structural, and stakeholder capital.

Youth delegates at the 52nd CSocD session

Peter Mladenov aged 22, from Sofia, is one of the Bulgarian Youth Delegates to the 68th session of the UN General Assembly, the 8th UNESCO Youth Forum, and the 52nd Commission on Social Development. Peter is undertaking two Bachelor degrees, the first on International Relations & Politics at Coventry University, UK and the second on Political Economy at the University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria.

Peter has been working in the field of sexual and reproductive rights of youth since 2007. He is a certified trainer on Peer education, Advocacy and Project management and development and has conducted a number of trainings so far at the regional and national levels. He was a coordinator on a National advocacy project for promoting health education, as part of the Regional Youth Forum of UNFPA in 2013 and member of the International Youth Network of Y-PEER. Last year he was awarded with a Fellowship program for young leaders at the Peer Education Training and Research Institute (PETRI) – Sofia, funded by the UNFPA.

As a youth delegate, Peter will focus on some of the main issues concerning youth, e.g. Education, Peace and Security, HIV/AIDS and etc. He is determined to promote the human rights of young people with a special focus on their sexual and reproductive health rights through the methods of non-formal education.


Youth delegates at the 52nd CSocD session

Elise Zerrath (26 years), is a graduate of International Relations and Geography at the University of St Andrews, and is active in the Model United Nations (MUNS) groups and member of the Young Union (Junge Union) of the Christian Democratic Party (CDU).




Youth delegates at the 52nd CSocD session

Florian Nowack (23 years),  is a student of International Business and Intercultural Studies” at Heilbronn University, active in the protestant youth organization in Germany, and a member of the Young Socialists (Jusos) in the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), representing the German National committee for international youth work (DNK) within the European Youth Forum.

German Youth Delegate Website: www.youthdelegates.de


Youth delegates at the 52nd CSocD session

Lien Wyckmans (22) is one of the two Belgian Youth Delegates to the UN. She represents the Flemish young people while David Mendez Yepez (26) represents the French speaking youth. Lien will be attending the 52nd session of the UN Commission for Social Development and later on together with David she will be attending the 69th session of the UN General Assembly. During the UN CsocD Lien wants to draw attention to the global issue of youth unemployment and the importance of decent jobs.


Youth delegates at the 52nd CSocD session

Eliza Chirila, aged 22, is one of the Romanian Youth Delegates to the United Nations. She studies Law at the Romanian- American University from Bucharest and it is currently the President of the Students Council CS-URA. Furthermore, Eliza works for the Union of Romanian Students (USR), as head of the International Relations Department and as Project Manager for the Students Congres 2014.

With over 8 years experience in the field of volunteering, she has over the past year been involved in the national structured dialogue group and has actively participated in the public debates of the Romanian Youth Strategy. She has also been a member of the NGO called Leaders for The Third Millennium and has represented Romania in various European and International events such as: the European Youth Parliament, the Francophone Youth Parliament and the European Youth and Sport Forum.

As part of the Romanian Youth Delegation, Eliza hopes to represent in a professional way the interests and needs of Romanian Youth, to have the opportunity to organize various events under her mandate and to work together with young people from all over the world, in order to contribute to the achievement of the MDGs.