
Newsletter | 07 August 2015
General Assembly resolutions on ageing and older personsUN General Assembly resolutions 67/139 (Towards a comprehensive and integral international legal instrument to promote and protect the rights and dignity of older persons) and 67/143 (Follow-up…
Newsletter | 07 August 2015
51st session of the Commission for Social Development (New York, 6-15 February 2013) All relevant information, including documents, a list of side events, etc. of the upcoming session of CSocD can be found online. Upcoming High-level Panel on Ageing…
Newsletter | 07 August 2015
Join the Global Conversation and Voice Your Opinion on Ageing and the Post 2015 Development AgendaRegister at to join the e-consultation from 28 January to 22 February 2013The World We Want 2015 space is dedicated to the…
03 August 2015
Equality counts among the six guiding values for cooperative enterprises, and open and voluntary membership is one of the principles to which cooperatives subscribe. Cooperative enterprises also have a “one member, one vote” system, which ensures…
30 July 2015
Asia and the Pacific is the fastest ageing region in the world. It is expected that by 2050, one fourth of the total population in Asia and the Pacific will be 60 years old or older. Due to increased life expectancy and continuing fertility decline…
28 July 2015
The Open ended Working Group on Ageing, established by the General Assembly in its resolution 65/182 of 21 December 2010, for the purpose of strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons, held its sixth working session at United…
News | 27 July 2015
The observance of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples will take place on Monday 10 August 2015 in ECOSOC Chamber, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. As part of the commemoration of the…
News | 24 July 2015
The Chair of the Permanent Forum, Ms. Megan Davis, was in Geneva from 20 to 24 July 2015 to attend the annual session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. On Monday, 20 July, Ms. Davis attended the opening session and…
10 July 2015
To raise awareness on the importance of investing in youth skills development, the United Nations General Assembly has decided to celebrate the first World Youth Skills Day (WYSD) on 15 July 2015. #WYSD2015 – spread the word! Join us in celebrating…
02 July 2015
The Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing was established by the General Assembly by resolution 65/182 on 21 December 2010. The working group will consider the existing international framework of the human rights of older persons and identify possible…
30 June 2015
Population ageing has profound implications for many facets of human life. An ageing population will affect everything from economies, labor markets to health and social care. This prospect requires a better understanding of the implications and…
News | 29 June 2015
On 29 June 2015, Permanent Forum member Oliver Loode made a statement under the agenda item “Sustainable Development” at the thirty-ninth session of the World Heritage Committee in Bonn, Germany. In the statement, he noted that the Permanent Forum…