News | 03 November 2015
A two-day expert group meeting on “Indigenous Peoples and Agenda 2030,” organized by the Division for Social Policy and Development of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at United Nations Headquarters on 22-23 October, focused on…
01 November 2015
Theme for 2015: Inclusion matters: access and empowerment for people of all abilities
The estimated one billion people living with disabilities worldwide face many barriers to inclusion in many key aspects of society. As a result, people with…
24 October 2015
The 9th UNESCO Youth Forum is taking place in Paris from 26 to 28 October and will focus on how young people, as global citizens, can contribute to the creation of a sustainable planet.
The forum will bring together over 500 young women and men…
23 October 2015
The 2015 celebration of the 25th anniversary of International Day of Older Persons (IDOP), in anticipation of the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) to be held in 2016, will focus not only on…
23 October 2015
Building a sustainable future requires us to intensify our efforts towards eradicating extreme poverty and discrimination, and ensuring that everyone can fully exercise their human rights. The full participation of people living in poverty,…
News | 23 October 2015
In a relation with a two-day expert group meeting on “Indigenous Peoples and Agenda 2030,” organized by the Division for Social Policy and Development of DESA at United Nations Headquarters on 22-23 October, a press conference was organised…
22 October 2015
World leaders recently adopted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development agenda committing to making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and sustainable.
In October 2016, the Third Global Conference on Housing and Sustainable Development (…
News | 19 October 2015
On 19 October, the Third Committee of the General Assembly, focused on human rights, considered its agenda item on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, including follow up to the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.
The Assistant-Secretary-General…
News | 15 October 2015
By Professor Megan Davis, Chair of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Indigenous women in rural areas can become drivers of change and poverty eradication. Today on the International Day of Rural Women, we would like to pay tribute to the…
14 October 2015
Youth Delegates at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly participated at the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian & Cultural) and joined the debate on social development.
The 2015 Youth Delegates to the General Assembly also met with the…
News | 13 October 2015
On 13 October, the UN Secretary-General spoke on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Security Council’s resolution 1325, declaring his commitment to the inclusion of women in peace-building processes. The Secretary-General noted that any…
News | 13 October 2015
On 13 October, the United Nations Secretary-General issued a message for the International Day for Disaster Reduction, emphasizing that “traditional and Indigenous knowledge is the indispensable information base for many societies seeking to live in…