
News | 16 December 2015
Reaching an historic agreement over the weekend at COP 21, also known as the United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Paris was no easy task. United Nations agreements are made by consensus where a large number of States have to consider their…
News | 16 December 2015
On the 15 and 16 December, high-level representatives from governments, civil society and the private sector gathered for the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Review of the World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS+10). At…
15 December 2015
We participants gathered at the UNDESA Forum on Disability Inclusion and Accessible Urban Development, which was co-organized by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and UN Habitat in Nairobi from 28 to 30 October 2015, and in conjunction…
News | 14 December 2015
At its fourteenth session in April-May 2015, the Permanent Forum recommended a three-day international expert group meeting on the theme “Indigenous languages: preservation and revitalization (articles 13, 14 and 16 of the United Nations Declaration…
News | 10 December 2015
The Fifteenth Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues will take place from 9-20 May 2016 in New York. More information will be provided on this page in the up-coming months. At present, the questionnaires which will inform the…
07 December 2015
UNDESA DSPD participated in the 13th African Region Meeting of the ILO as a panellist during the plenary panel discussion on "Transition from the informal to the formal economy in Africa: The way forward". The panel discussion focused on how to use…
News | 01 December 2015
On 30 November, the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues together with UNDP Regional Office organized a briefing on the newly developed System-wide action plan to ensure a coherent approach to achieving the ends of the United…
News | 30 November 2015
The Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) is one of the leading organizations for its expertise in natural resources management, including food systems. Given the inextricable relationship which exists between nature and…
News | 27 November 2015
The Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues participated in a mission to Paraguay from 24-26 November 2015. The mission was part of a project of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) on “Promoting political…
News | 18 November 2015
At the 2014 World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, the General Assembly requested the development of a system-wide action plan for a coherent approach to achieving the ends of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.…
News | 12 November 2015
The Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues visited El Salvador in order to follow up the development of a National Plan on Indigenous Peoples as part of a policy dialogue project with the International Fund for Agricultural…
News | 11 November 2015
"Families are at the core of human development. Among the natural and fundamental bases of society, families are central to the world’s quest for dignity, peace and justice.Moreover, as the basic economic unit in every society, families are key to…