
Displaying 691 - 700 of 714
A Message Stick is a traditional Australian Aboriginal method of correspondence whereby runners would deliver messages carved in symbols on a piece of wood to inform other indigenous peoples of upcoming events. The Message Stick is a quarterly newsletter that highlights the efforts and activities of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Please send any feedback you may have to 2015 MESSAGE STICK - March 2015 AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH 2014 MESSAGE STICK - December2014 AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH MESSAGE STICK - October 2014 AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH MESSAGE STICK - June 2014 AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH MESSAGE STICK - April 2014 AR | EN |…
Newsletter Message Sticks A Message Stick is a traditional Australian Aboriginal method of correspondence whereby runners would deliver messages carved in symbols on a piece of wood to inform other indigenous peoples of upcoming events. The Message Stick is a quarterly newsletter that highlights the efforts and activities of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Please send any feedback you may have to   2015 MESSAGE STICK - March 2015 AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH   2014 MESSAGE STICK - December 2014 AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH MESSAGE STICK - October 2014 AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH MESSAGE STICK - June 2014 AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH…
    2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
SG Reports: GA70 SG Report: Progress made in the implementation of the outcome document of the WCIP Resolutions: General Assembly Resolutions A/RES/70/232  Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 23 December 2015
A/RES/69/159 Rights of Indigenous Peoples (18 December 2014)
A/RES/68/149 Rights of Indigenous Peoples (18 December 2013) RA/ES/67/153 Rights of indigenous peoples (20 December 2012)
Press release: GA/SHC/4063A/RES/66/296 Organization of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly, to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (17 September 2012)
Press release: GA/11283.
Adopted without vote.A/RES/66/142 Rights of…
A/75/255 Report of the Secretary-General: Enhancing the participation of indigenous peoples' representatives and institutions in meetings of relevant United Nations bodies on issues affecting them (27 July 2020). A/70/84–E/2015/76 Report of the Secretary-General: Progress made in the implementation of the outcome document of the high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (18 May 2015) A/69/271 Report of the Secretary-General: Achievement of the goal and objectives of the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People (6 August 2014) A/HRC/21/24 Report of the Secretary-General: Ways and means of promoting…
A/RES/78/328 Enhancing the participation of Indigenous Peoples' representatives and institutions in meetings of relevant United Nations  bodies on issues affecting them (11 September 2024) A/77/460 Rights of Indigenous Peoples (15 December 2022) A/RES/76/148 Rights of indigenous peoples (16 December 2021) A/RES/75/475 Rights of indigenous peoples (16 December 2020) A/RES/74/135 Rights of indigenous peoples (18 December 2019) A/RES/73/156  Rights of indigenous peoples (18 December 2018) A/RES/72/155 Rights of indigenous peoples (19 December 2017) A/RES/71/178 Rights of Indigenous Peoples (19 December 2016) A/RES/70/232 Rights of indigenous peoples (23 December 2015) A/RES/69/327 Promoting…
Anual Reports The Special Rapporteur is requested by the Human Rights Council to present every year an annual report at one of its regular sessions in Geneva. The Special Rapporteur’s annual reports include a description of the activities carried out during the year in the framework of the mandate, and will also normally include discussion of specific themes or issues of particular relevance for the rights of indigenous peoples. Reports to the Human Rights Council Reports to the Commission on Human Rights Reports to the General Assembly Special Reports Extensive observations on specific cases. Country Reports Reports on the overall human rights situations of indigenous peoples in selected…
Expert Mechanism Documentation The Expert Mechanism provides the Human Rights Council with expertise  and advice on the rights of indigenous peoples as set out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and assists Member States, upon request, in achieving the ends  of  the  Declaration  through  the  promotion,  protection  and  fulfilment  of  the  rights  of indigenous peoples. Click here to view the studies and reports of the Expert Mechanism.