- United Nations Social Development Network
- Thematic Areas
- Thematic Areas
Cooperatives, Families, Poverty Eradication
01 March 2016 | Cooperatives, Families, Poverty Eradication
There are an estimated 500 million smallholder households globally, amounting to upwards of two billion people. Mostly small-scale farmers cultivating less than five acres, they make up a significant portion of the world’s poor who live on less than…
29 February 2016 | Ageing, Cooperatives, Disabilities, Families, Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Youth
The UNDESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) has launched its new and improved website at: http://social.un.org or http://undesadspd.org
The new website promotes three core issues of DSPD: poverty eradication, employment generation…
29 February 2016 | Ageing, Cooperatives, Disabilities, Families, Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Youth
The UNDESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) has launched its new and improved website at: http://social.un.org or http://undesadspd.org
The new website promotes three core issues of DSPD: poverty eradication, employment generation…
29 February 2016 | Ageing, Cooperatives, Disabilities, Families, Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Youth
The UNDESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) has launched its new and improved website at: http://social.un.org or http://undesadspd.org
The new website promotes three core issues of DSPD: poverty eradication, employment generation…
29 February 2016 | Ageing, Cooperatives, Disabilities, Families, Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Youth
The UNDESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) has launched its new and improved website at: http://social.un.org or http://undesadspd.org
The new website promotes three core issues of DSPD: poverty eradication, employment generation…
29 February 2016 | Ageing, Cooperatives, Disabilities, Families, Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Youth
The UNDESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) has launched its new and improved website at: http://social.un.org or http://undesadspd.org
The new website promotes three core issues of DSPD: poverty eradication, employment generation…
29 February 2016 | Ageing, Cooperatives, Disabilities, Families, Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Youth
The UNDESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) has launched its new and improved website at: http://social.un.org or http://undesadspd.org
The new website promotes three core issues of DSPD: poverty eradication, employment generation…
29 February 2016 | Ageing, Cooperatives, Disabilities, Families, Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Youth
The UNDESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) has launched its new and improved website at: http://social.un.org or http://undesadspd.org
The new website promotes three core issues of DSPD: poverty eradication, employment generation…
24 February 2016 | Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Women
On the occasion of our 50th anniversary, UNDP is looking toward the future of people and planet. That future is uncertain. On the one hand, climate change, political turbulence, economic inequality, and other challenges. On the other hand,…
24 February 2016 | Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Women
On the occasion of our 50th anniversary, UNDP is looking toward the future of people and planet. That future is uncertain. On the one hand, climate change, political turbulence, economic inequality, and other challenges. On the other hand,…
24 February 2016 | Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Women
On the occasion of our 50th anniversary, UNDP is looking toward the future of people and planet. That future is uncertain. On the one hand, climate change, political turbulence, economic inequality, and other challenges. On the other hand,…
22 February 2016 | Indigenous Peoples, Poverty Eradication
Indigenous peoples made significant social progress, experienced a reduction in poverty levels in several countries and gained improved access to basic services during the boom of the first decade of the century, but they did not benefit to the same…