Advance List of Nominations to the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 2026-2028 (As of 25 January 2025)
The following individuals have been nominated as members of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues for the term 2026-2028. The term begins on 1 January 2026 and concludes on 31 December 2028.
According to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Resolution 2000/22, the Permanent Forum consists of “…eight members to be nominated by Governments and elected by the Council, and eight members to be appointed by the President of the Council following formal consultation with the Bureau and the regional groups through their coordinators, on the basis of broad consultations with indigenous organizations, taking into account the diversity and geographical distribution of the indigenous people of the world as well as the principles of transparency, representativity and equal opportunity for all indigenous people, including internal processes, when appropriate, and local indigenous consultation processes…”
Member States' list of candidates for election to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues for the term 2026-2028: Elections to subsidiary bodies of ECOSOC (including the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues) will take place on 4 April 2025, in accordance with the distribution of seats among the regional groups, with due regard for the distribution of indigenous peoples among the countries of each of the regional groups (See ECOSOC Decision 2016/205, Election 4).
AFRICAN STATES (1 member to be elected)
Mr. Gervais Ndihokubwayo (Burundi)
ASIA-PACIFIC STATES (1 member to be elected)
Ms. Nan Li* (China)
EASTERN EUROPEAN STATES (2 members to be elected)
Mr. Valts Ernštreits (Republic of Latvia)
Mr. Suleiman Mamutov* (Ukraine)
Mr Sergei Timoshkov (Russian Federation)
Ms. Laura Jazmín Cotí Lux (Guatemala) (Withdrawn)
Mr. Rodrigo Eduardo Paillalef Monnard* (Chile)
Mr. Diego A. Tituaña Matango (Ecuador)
WESTERN EUROPEAN AND OTHER STATES (2 members to be elected)
Ms. Brenda Gunn (Canada)
Mr. Keith Harper* (USA)
* Nominated for re-election
Indigenous Peoples’ organizations-nominated for the term 2026-2028: The eighth member is nominated from one of the three regions with the largest Indigenous population (Africa; Asia; and Central and South America and the Caribbean). This seat rotates among these three regions every three years. For the 2026–2028 term, there will be two members of the Permanent Forum from Africa, nominated by Indigenous Peoples’ organizations.
AFRICA (2 seats available for 2026-2028)
Nominated by Regional organization
Mr. Mohamed Handaine, (Morocco, Amazigh), Indigenous Peoples of Africa co-ordinating Committee – IPACC
Mr. Edward Porokwa, (Tanzania, Maasai), Indigenous Peoples of Africa co-ordinating Committee – IPACC
Nominated by National/ Sub-national organization/Others
Ms. Amina Amharech, (Morocco, Amazigh), The Indigenous Amazigh Network AZUL
Ms. Zahia Bachir, (Algeria, Amazing), Association Culturelle AGHBALU
Mr. Malam-Moussa Moutawakilou-Touré, Togo, The Research Agency for Development (RAD)
Mr. Talent Mudenda, (Zimbabwe, Tonga Peoples), Luunga Visionary Trust
Mr. Zouhir Naghala, (Morocco, Amazigh), Amazigh American Network Organization
Mr. Edward Okaro Tunyon, (Tanzania, Pastoralist) Tanzania Network for Indigenous Pastoralists (TANIPE)
Mr. Joseph Ole Simel, (Kenya, Maasai), Mainyoito Pastoralists Integrated Development Organisation (MPIDO)
Mr. Davy Pouaty Nzembialela, Gabon, The Association pour le Devenir des Autochtones et de leur Connaissance Originelle (ADACO)
Mr. Craige Q7 Beckett, (South Africa, San People), IYX Africa
Nominated by Regional organization
Ms. Shinako Oyakawa, (Japan, Ryukyuan), Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact -AIPP
Nominated by National/ Sub-national organization/Others
Mr. Samir Balani, Nepal, Federation of Indigenous Nationalities Journalists
Ms. Rubina Greenwood, (United Kingdom and Pakistan, Sindhi origin), Sindhi World Congress
Ms. Hanieh Moghani*, Iran, nomadic pastoralist), Asia Network on Indigenous Issues.
Ms. Jennifer Tauli Corpuz, (The Philippines, Kankanaey-Igorot), Center for Indigenous Peoples' Research and Development (CIPRED), Nepal
Mr. Mark Tripura Foley, (Bangladesh, Brung-Tripura), The Humanitarian Foundation
Nominated by Regional organization
Ms. Aluki Kotierk*, (Canada), Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) and Saami Council (SC)
Ms. Allison Kelliher, (USA, Alaska, Koyukon Athabascan, Dena, from Nome), Native Movement is an Indigenous Peoples Organization
Nominated by Regional organization
Mr. Benito Calixto Guzman, (Peru, Quechua), Foro Indígena del Abya Yala (FIAY).
Nominated by National/ Sub-national organization/Others
Ms. María José Andrade Cerda, (Ecuador, Kichwa de Serena), The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon (CONFENIAE)
Ms. Juliet Arias Luquez, (Colombia, Kankuama), Comisión Nacional de Coordinación del Sistema Judicial Nacional y la Jurisdicción Especial Indígena (COCOIN)
Mr. Jaime Enrique Arias Arias, (Colombia, Kankuamo), Resguardo Indígena Kankuanmo
Mr. Jorge Luis González González, (Wayuu, Venezuela), Asociacion Civil Akotchajawaa
Ms. Patricia Gualinga Montalvo, (Ecuador, Kichwa-Sarayaku), Pueblo Originario Kichwa Sarayaku
Mr. Arlen Ribeira Calderón, (Peru, Huitoto), Organización Regional de Pueblos Indígenas del Oriente (ORPIO)
Mr. Henry Alcibiades Rodriguez, (Panama, Guna), Congreso General de la Juventud Guna
Mr. Pablo Salas Charca, (Peru, Quechua), Confederación Nacional de Comunidades Afectadas por la Minería e Hidrocarburos (CONACAMHI) Perú
Mr. Luis Armando Vargas Tocte, (Ecuador - Kichwa, Panzaleo), Asociacion de migrantes “Valle Celestial” del cantón Saquisili.
Mr. Fortunato Turpo, (Peru, Quechua), Comision Juridica de los Pueblos de Integración Tawantinsuyana (COJPITA)
Mr. Dante Zapana Callaba, (Bolivia, Kallawaya Nation), Confederación Sindical Única de Trabajadores Campesinos de Bolivia CSUTCB
Nominated by National/ Sub-national organization/Others
Ms. Radjana Dugar-Deponte, (Russian Federation, Buryat Peoples) Democratic Movement “Buryad-Mongol Erkheten
Mr. Andrei Metelitsa, (Russian Federation, Kamchadals), Association of Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of the North of Kamchatka territory.
Mr. Vasilii Nemechkin, (Russian Federation, Mordovian), SOYUZ, The Interregional Civic Organization of Mordovian People and Center for Support of Indigenous Peoples and Civic Diplomacy.
Ms. Nechei Serotetto, (Russian Federation, Nenets Peoples), Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region.
Ms. Valentina Sovkina*, (Russian Federation, Saami), Indigenous North-Forum and the Indigenous Women Network.
Nominated by Regional organization
Ms. Rosalee González, (United Stated of America, Xicana of Kickapoo and Tepehuana ancestry), The Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas
Nominated by National/ Sub-national organization/Others
Ms. Cassidy Caron, (Canada, Métis), The Métis National Council
Ms. Elizabeth Carr, (United States of America, citizen of the Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians), The National Indian Health Board (NIHB).
Ms. Keshia De Freece Lawrence, (United States of America, Ramapough Lenape Nation), The Lenapehoking Reestablishment Project
Ms. Lea Nicholas- MacKenzie, (Canada, Maliseet Nation), The Indigenous World Association (IWA)
Mr. Donald Nicholls, (Canada, Cree), The Cree Nation Government
Nominated by National/ Sub-national organization/ Others
Ms. Emma Rawson-Te Patu, (New Zealand, Māori tribal groups of Ngāti Ranginui, Ngai te Rangi, Raukawa, and Ngāti Hauā), Purapura Whetu
Ms. Tui Shortland, (New Zealand, Māori- Ngati Hine, Ngapuhi, Ngati Raukawa ki te Tonga, Kai Tahu, Te Rarawa), Te Maara a Hineamaru.
Mr. Taumata Toki, (New Zealand, Māori - Ngāti Rehua, Ngātiwai and Ngapuhi), Freda Pene Reweti Whanau Trust (FPRW Trust).
* Nominated for re-election