- American Bar Association
- Association Camerounaise pour la Prise en charge des Personnes Agées
- AGE Platform Europe
- Ageing Nepal
- Age UK
- Agewell Foundation, India
- Australian Lawyers Alliance
- Aportes SENAF
- AWAZ Centre for Development Services, Pakistan (Draft Summary / UN Principles for older persons)
- Belarusian Pensioners Nashe Pokolenie
- CARE Rights-Caring & Reaching Elders’ Rights, Republic of South Korea
- Caxton Legal Centre Inc
- Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
- Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria
- Fordham University
- General Insurance Pensioners' All India Federation
- Global Action on Aging
- Gray Panthers
- HelpAge International
- International Federation on Ageing
- International Longevity Center
- International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
- Instituto Qualivida
- Janaseva Foundation
- Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies-THE PROTECTION OF THE ELDERLY MODEL LAW (project summary)
- Labor Organizations of the College Educational Institutions, OLIES English/ Spanish
- Law in the Service of the Elderly, Israel
- Fair go for pensioners
- Mid North Coast Community Legal Centre
- Silver Inning Foundation
- Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inc.
- Solimai, Italy
- UAE Law School
- World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry