17th Session Of The Conference Of States Parties To The CRPD (COSP17)

Photo COSP16


The Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has decided that its seventeenth session (COSP17) will take place in the General Assembly Hall (11 June 2024) and in Conference Room 4 (12-13 June 2024) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

This decision is based on the recall of General Assembly resolution 61/106 and the consideration of rule 1, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the rules of procedure of the Conference.

Photo COSP16

Theme and sub-themes of the Conference

Overarching theme: Rethinking disability inclusion in the current international juncture and ahead of the Summit of the Future

Sub theme 1: International cooperation to promote technology innovations and transfer for an inclusive future, co-chaired by:  Sri Lanka Vice President of the bureau and a civil society representative
Sub theme 2: Persons with disabilities in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies,  co-chaired by: Georgia Vice President of the bureau and a civil society representative
Sub theme 3: Promoting the rights of persons with disabilities to decent work and sustainable livelihood,  co-chaired by:  Greece Vice President of the bureau and a civil society representative

Provisional Agenda and Program 

Official Documentation


Final Decisions by the Conference of States Parties (English)

COSP17 Photo

COSP17 Multimedia

📺 Videos of the main meetings


Opening Session

Roundtable 1: International cooperation to promote technology innovations and transfer for an inclusive future

Roundtable 2: Persons with disabilities in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies

Roundtable 3: Promoting the rights of persons with disabilities to decent work and sustainable livelihood

Interactive Dialogue among States Parties, the United Nations system, other stakeholders and Closing Session


Opening Session

Roundtable One "International cooperation to promote technology innovations and transfer for an inclusive future"

Roundtable Two "Persons with disabilities in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies"

Roundtable Three "Promoting the rights of persons with disabilities to decent work and sustainable livelihood"

Photo COSP17 Bureau


President (Africa): Tunisia

Sri Lanka (APG)
Georgia (EEG)
Panama (GRULAC)
Greece (WEOG)

COSP16 Photo

General Debate and List of Speakers Registration

The General Debate will be organized and will begin on the first day of the conference. All States Parties and Observer States that wish to be inscribed on the list of speakers are requested to inscribe through the e-Speakers module of the e-Delegate portal between 20 May (Monday) and 3 June (Monday). Further information will be announced in due course through the UN Journal and regional group representatives in the bureau.

Considering the time constraints, a statement will be limited to three minutes for each speaker duly and in-timely inscribed to the list and the time-limit policy will be enforced effectively (i.e. cutting off the microphone). Individual reasonable accommodation will be granted for persons with disabilities, and in this regard, needs must be communicated directly to the Secretariat via emailing to enable@un.org in advance no later than 15 May 2024.

All States Parties and Signatories to the CRPD are requested to inscribe their speaker through the e-Delegate/e-Speakers portal link.

United Nations entities, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), national human rights institutions (NHRIs), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are kindly asked to sign up here for the speakers list by providing their speaker details and all required information by 6:00 pm on 3 June (New York time). 

Guidance Note on the General Debate

UN Guidelines for Pre-recorded Video Statements

Informal Briefing to States Parties and Civil Society

An informal briefing was held on Monday, May 13, 2024, at 10am in Conference Room 11 at the UN Headquarters in New York. The briefing, organized for States Parties and stakeholders, was co-hosted by the Permanent Mission of Tunisia and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA).

Photo IDPD

Election of the Members of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

“In accordance with article 34, paragraph 7, an election will be conducted during the 17th session of the Conference of States Parties to elect nine members of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with disabilities whose term will expire on 31 December 2024. More details about the election including a list of received Names of Candidates and their biodata, among others, are made available and will be updated by OHCHR in the website of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Note Verbale

Nominations received by the announced deadline 11 April 2024 ( CRPD/CSP/2024/CRP.1)

COSP16 Photo


The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) has sent a  Note Verbale (DESA-23/02786, dated 20 December 2023) by which the secretariat is pleased to:

(1) Notify States Parties and Observers of the convening of the 17th session in New York from 11 to 13 June;

(2) The e-Credentials/e-Delegate services will be available to delegations starting from 1 March 2024. Delegations can submit a scanned copy of their credentials for the 17th session of the Conference of States Parties. The original copy of the credentials should be submitted to the secretariat at DISD/UNDESA, located on the 25th floor of the Secretariat Building, before the opening of the Conference, specifically before 11 June 2024.

(3) States are kindly requested to inform their delegates of any specific accessibility requirements and forward this information via email to enable@un.org as soon as possible by 1 May 2024 in order to help ensure accessibility for all participants.

Download the step-by-step Guidance on how to submit credentials to the General Assembly meetings via the e-Credentials portal.

If delegations experience any technical issues using the e-DELEGATE portal for submitting their Credentials, please direct inquiries to the Secretariat: missions-support@un.int.

cosp17 seating charts

Seating Charts

General Assembly Hall 11 June, AM-PM

Conference Room 4, 12-13 June, AM-PM

COSP16 Photo

Accessibility Requirements

The United Nations is committed to promoting accessibility and inclusion for persons with disabilities at its Headquarters and beyond. All necessary efforts and accommodations, such as seating adjustments, will be made to best meet the needs of participants with disabilities who have provided advance notice of their specific accessibility requirements.

All States Parties are kindly requested to notify the secretariat if their delegates have specific accessibility requirements via enable@un.org. no later than 1 May 2024, in order to ensure accessibility for all participants.

Please send the following details:

  1. Specific accessibility needs such as wheelchair access, hearing loops usage, documentation in Braille, large print, or sign language usage
  2. The name of the delegation and individual delegate especially when the delegate will expect speak on behalf of the delegation in a meeting. 

Delegations are requested to also include specific accessibility needs details of their speaker, if applicable, when inscribing to the List of Speakers for the General Debate.

Ground Passes for Delegations of States Parties

Delegations shall obtain a valid United Nations grounds pass for all national delegation members whose names are reflected in their credentials that should be duly submitted to secretariat via eCREDENTIALS /e-DELEGATE portal for attending the COSP17 meetings, in order to gain access to the United Nations headquarters.

Delegations shall be aware, when designating representatives and alternates to the forthcoming COSP17 meetings, there is a seating capacity limitation for each delegation at a particular meeting, and specifically, each delegation will have 1+5 seats in the General Assembly Hall and 1+1 seats in the Conference Room 4 during the 17th session. No secondary passes will be issued for official national delegations.

Practical Information for COSP Participants 

  • UN Ground Passes (Not for Delegations and UN AgenciesONLY for registered and approved ECOSOC and Accredited NGOs to COSP, National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), CRPD Members and Panelists speaking at the conference: Please note the registration desk will be located at the UNITAR Building located at 801 1st Avenue and 45th Street, New York, NY 10017. The desk will be open during the following dates and times:
    • Monday 10 June | 8:30am to 3pm
    • Tuesday 11 June | 8:30am to 1pm
    • Wednesday 12 June | 9am to 1pm
    • Thursday 13 June | 9:30am to 1pm
  • The Conference will be held as an in-person meeting at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 11 to 13 June 2024 in the GA Hall and CR.4. In the general debate and roundtable discussions, speakers from the audience are required to send a copy of their intervention in MS WORD and PDF format via emailing to estatements@un.org no later than 3 hours before the respective meeting but preferable earlier for accessibility. 
  • The United Nations Accessibility Centre offers assistive information and communications technology to support those with auditory, visual or physical impairments. The assistive devices are available on-site or as a loan to participants with disabilities. The Accessibility Centre is located in the Conference Building (first basement level, by the Secretariat Building escalators). Please contact accessibilitycentre@un.org for enquiries regarding available assistive tools and other accessibility accommodations related requests. For more information, please visit https://www.un.org/dgacm/en/content/accessibility
  • The Meetings Support Section also offers print-on-demand service for meeting participants requiring braille copies of official documents. Please send braille requests to accessibilitycentre@un.org at least 24hrs in advance of the meeting date for processing. The printouts can be collected at the Accessibility Centre located on the first basement of the Secretariat building at Office number S-1B032. For further enquiries please contact +1 212 963 7348 / 9 or by email accessibilitycentre@un.org.

Download the Information Note for Participants

Accessibility Centre Maps

National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) Participation

National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) interested in attending the COSP17 must complete this online application form. The deadline for receiving this application form is now CLOSED. 

The online application is only open to NHRIs with "A"  Status.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email at socialngo@un.org with the subject "COSP17 NHRIs".

Civil Society Forum

Photo IDA

The Civil Society Coordination Mechanism (CSCM), which is facilitated by the International Disability Alliance, hosts a Civil Society Forum (CSF), as an addition to the COSP, to leverage the opportunity to amplify the voice and facilitate adequate and active participation of persons with disabilities. This year, the CSF will be held on Monday 10 June. 

The Civil Society Forum will follow a format of a “People’s Assembly” or a Townhall meeting. Following a brief opening, three substantive sessions will be held. The sessions will be focused on specific pre-determined topics. They will be a mirror of the three COSP Themes, as above, and focused on the civil society perspectives and issues CSOs deem most appropriate under each theme. Read the background papers before making your submission to ensure compliance!

Each session will start off in a chat show style with the moderator and one invited guest very briefly laying out the outline of the topic. There will be no panel. Once the brief introduction is done, the moderator will invite organizations that have already been shortlisted. Organizations will be allotted 3 mins, and are invited to deliver a statement, presentation or call to action on the topic in hand. Interventions will be made from the main floor (no podium).

Agenda of the Civil Society Forum

Key messages from the Civil Society Forum

Civil Society Participation


1. Watch a short video: How can I register for COSP17 on Indico?
2. Watch a short video: How to designate yourself as the Conference Focal Point for #COSP17?
3. Watch a short video: How to approve your representatives and yourself as a Conference Focal Point in Indico?

Registration for NGOs with ECOSOC status and NGOs Accredited to the Conference of State Parties: The deadline is now CLOSED. For questions related to your indico registration, please contact us by email at socialngo@un.org.

  • Please note that only NGOs with ECOSOC Status and Accredited NGOs to the Conference of State Parties (COSP) may register via indico for the COSP17.
  • Please be advised it is the responsibility of your organization to approve your registration. Upon registering, please contact your organization for approval. Your organization's designated conference focal point may select the menu item on the left to access the approval area. 
  • Due to space constraints, the numbers of attendees to the COSP16 should be kept to a minimum and should not exceed 10 representatives per organization. 

Application for New NGO accreditation: Please consult the Information Note.The deadline is now CLOSED. For questions related to your application, please contact us by email at socialngo@un.org.

Only NGOs accredited by the Conference of States Parties can participate in the sessions of the Conference of States Parties. NGOs that have consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) or were accredited to the Ad Hoc Committee on the Convention are already accredited to the Conference of States Parties.

  • All other NGOs wishing to participate in the Conference of States Parties must apply for accreditation to the Conference.
  • Accreditation is a one-time process by which non-governmental organizations that have not previously been accredited become eligible to participate as observers in the Conference of States Parties (including in future sessions). Accreditation is granted to organizations and not to individuals.


COSP16 Photo

Side Events

Draft List of Side Events (as of 10 June 2024)

All questions on side events should be directed to socialngo@un.org with the subject "COSP17 Side Events"


UN News/ Nick Herd at #COSP16

Welcome to the first ever UN News live blog takeover by a guest editor with a disability. People from around the world are gathering at UN Headquarters to take part in the largest global meeting on issues that affect people with disabilities.

Activist, actor and talk show host Nick Herd will be leading the UN News team for the opening day of the 17th session of the Conference of States Parties (COSP17) to the game-changing Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, taking place from 11 to 13 June 2024. 

Part of his mission is to amplify voices and drive change, so join in as Nick offers invaluable insights into the ongoing dialogue surrounding disability rights and inclusive communities and meets change makers from around the world to find out how best to boost inclusivity in tech, jobs and aid efforts in times of war and climate disasters.

Join us live on 11 June at 8am (New York time). Stay tuned and follow #COSP17 on social media.

cosp banner

Spread the Word!

  • Follow us on Twitter @UN_Enable@UNDESASocial, @UNDESA
  • Use #COSP17 as the main hashtag
  • Other hashtags: #COSP #GlobalGoals and #EveryoneIncluded
  • Planning a special event for #COSP17? We want to know! Tweet or email us at socialngo@un.org.