10th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UN Headquarters, New York, 13 to 15 June 2017




  1. Governments, UN agencies and accredited civil society organizations (CSOs) must submit this application form as a proposal to reserve an exhibit table space at the Exhibition being held during the 10th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP);
  2. Civil society organizations (CSOs) are only those non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Consultative Status with ECOSOC and NGOs Accredited to the COSP.
  3. The purpose and objective of each proposed exhibit should demonstrate clear commitment to the implementation of the CRPD and/or the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Applications not having this information cannot be considered.
  4. All Exhibits must be non-commercial in nature. No order forms or solicitation of orders can be included in any exhibit.
  5. When submitting your application, email (enable@un.org) files of all artwork/illustration/photos and captions being presented at your display.
  6. Illustrations and captions are subject to UN rules and regulations and will be reviewed for adherence to UN standards and code of conduct.
  7. The exhibits are not insured or monitored by the United Nations and are the responsibility of the sponsoring entity.
  8. No material can be shipped directly to the UN; exhibitors must bring in all their exhibit material themselves, and through UN security screening.
  9. The UN Secretariat does not provide storage for any materials or equipment and is not responsible for damage or loss of any exhibition materials or equipment.
  10. Each exhibitor is responsible for all materials and equipment associated with respective exhibition.
  11. An Exhibitor will be provided with a 6 foot table (72" X 30") and two chairs. Table skirts and cover are not provided by the UN, but can be bought online: http://bit.ly/2o0dU6u.
  12. There is no cost for exhibit space.
  13. Additional equipment and utilities can be provided by UN Facilities and Management Services or BCSS at a nominal cost on an individual case basis. Please email: enable@un.org.
  14. The Exhibition will be open during the official hours of the main Conference from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Exhibitors are solely responsible for their equipment and exhibit material, at all times.
  15. Detailed information on each exhibit, if posted by the convening organizations on their websites, can be linked from the Exhibitions web page on the UN Enable website.


NOTE: In using United Nations premises, due respect must be maintained for the dignity of the Organization. Proposed meetings and events must be consistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations, and must be non-commercial in nature. Content and themes of exhibits held during the Conference of States Parties, should have a direct relationship to disability and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (DSPD/DESA) by virtue of coordinating the exhibition is an ex-officio sponsor of the exhibit and reserves the right to cancel the exhibit at any time.