Expert Meeting on Monitoring and Evaluation for Disability-inclusive Development, 10-11 May 2017, ILO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

The Expert Meeting on Monitoring and Evaluation for Disability-inclusive Development, organized by SCRPD/DSPD/UNDESA took stock of progress made in monitoring and evaluation for disability-inclusive development, in particular in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The meeting also worked to contribute toward the preparation of the 2018 United Nations flagship report on disability and development (A/RES/69/142).

The meeting included experts, researchers and practitioners from the UN system, academic institutions, Member States, non-governmental organizations, particularly disabled persons’ organizations (DPOs), and development partners with experience and expertise in the areas of monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the international development goals, including expertise in policy-analysis, monitoring and evaluation relevant for disability-inclusive development.

  • Objectives:
    • to share ongoing work on disability among participants;
    • to discuss the content and outline of the 2018 UN flagship report;
    • to follow up on the work of the task teams for the 2018 UN flagship report and identify interlinkages across the topics covered by the different teams;
    • to further identify collaborations for the production of the report;
    • to refine the work plan and timeline for the production of the 2018 UN flagship report.
  • Agenda
  • List of participants


Opening: Ms. Maria Martinho (SCRPD/DSPD/UNDESA)

Section 1. Overview of the work for the 2018 UN Flagship Report
This section will present an overview of the work conducted for the 2018 UN flagship report. The presentation will be followed by a group discussion.

Section 2. Presentations on ongoing work on disability
In this section, experts will present their ongoing work on disability and development. Presentations focus on priority issues such as monitoring of CRPD, library policies on disability-inclusion, poverty, water and sanitation, the situation of persons with disabilities in forced displacement and the participation of persons with mental and intellectual disabilities.

Section 3. Task team presentations
Subgroups of experts will present and discuss their proposals for specific sections of the report.

Section 4. 2018 UN Flagship Report: outline, content, interlinkages and gaps
In this section, experts will discuss further suggestions on the outline, content, identify interlinkages among chapters of the report, and identify gaps in the current content. As the outline needs to be finalized by June 2017, this is the last expert group discussion on the outline.

Section 5. Timeline and work plan for 2018 UN Flagship Report – way forward
This section will discuss the timeline and working plan for the 2018 UN Flagship Report.