The Experts Meetings on Monitoring and Evaluation for Disability-inclusive Development (MEDD) count with the participation of experts, researchers and practitioners in disability policy, monitoring and evaluation. Building on the work of the UN system and its partners, on the Millennium Development Goals and in monitoring and evaluation, this Global Network is expected to (i) serve as a resource for preparing the 2018 UN flagship report on disability and development; and (ii) establish a basis for the future monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of a disability-inclusive 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. DESA (The Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities/DSPD), as the global focal point on disability of the United Nations system, is facilitating the Network and its meetings.
- Fifth Meeting,13-14 December 2017
- Fourth Meeting, 10 – 11 May 2017
- Third Meeting, 28 - 29 November 2016
- Second Meeting, 3 - 4 May 2016
- First Meeting, 6 - 7 October 2015
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Disability-Inclusive Development: Data and Statistics
- UNICEF/Washington Group Module on Child Functioning and Disability
- Disability Indicators for the SDG
- Disability References in the Inter-Agency and Expert Group Proposal for the SDGs
- United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Disability and Development: Operationalizing the Post-2015 Development Agenda for Persons with Disabilities (Beirut, Lebanon, 11-13 May 2015)
- United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Disability Data and Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation: The Way Forward- a Disability-Inclusive Agenda Towards 2015 and Beyond (Paris, France, 8-10 July 2014)
- Monitoring Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN Women)
- ESCAP Guide on Disability Indicators for the Incheon Strategy