29 September 2017
Over 40 Youth Delegates from 30 countries will attend the 72nd Session of the General Assembly in New York. Youth Delegates will form a part of their country’s official delegation including to the Third Committee, the arm of the General Assembly…
07 September 2017
“I'm truly happy to address you on International Youth Day,” the Secretary-General said a video message. “As Secretary-General of the United Nations, I am committed to the empowerment and inclusion of every young person around the world,” he added…
20 June 2017
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed 26 year old Jayathma Wickramanayake of Sri Lanka- who played a key role in transforming the youth development sector at the national level- as his next Envoy on Youth. She will succeed…
01 June 2017
Government officials, youth development practitioners and youth leaders representing 17 Asian countries are sharing experience about evidence-based approaches of their youth development policies and programming.
These discussions are taking place at…
15 February 2017
Drawing attention challenges such as climate change, unemployment and inequality, confronting young people around the world, including in places where peace prevails, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today called for the youth to…
12 December 2016
On 10 February 2015, the Commission for Social Development adopted resolution 53/1 on policies and programmes involving youth, in which it requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Commission at its fifty-fifth session, a comprehensive report…
10 October 2016
Delegates in the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) shared the floor with youth representatives this week, grappling with issues of inequality, unemployment and xenophobia that hampered young people’s advancement, as they concluded…
07 July 2016
The UN World Youth Report on Youth Civic Engagement, prepared by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, explores young people's participation in economic, political and community life, in response to growing interest in, and an increased…
10 June 2016
Regional training workshop on “Evidence-based policies on Youth Development in the Pacific” - organized by DESA in partnership with UNDP, The Commonwealth Secretariat, UN-Habitat, UNESCO, the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Pacific Youth Council -…
02 February 2016
The ECOSOC Youth forum, 1-2 February 2016, will discuss ways in which young people can play an active role in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It will also address how the youth can best communicate on the Agenda,…
24 October 2015
The 9th UNESCO Youth Forum is taking place in Paris from 26 to 28 October and will focus on how young people, as global citizens, can contribute to the creation of a sustainable planet.
The forum will bring together over 500 young women and men…
14 October 2015
Youth Delegates at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly participated at the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian & Cultural) and joined the debate on social development.
The 2015 Youth Delegates to the General Assembly also met with the…