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Disabilities, Youth
28 November 2014 | Disabilities, Youth
For generations, the pastorialists of Samburu, a nomadic county 400 kilometers north of Nairobi, have roamed from place to place in search of water and pasture for their animals.
“In such nomadic communities, it is sometimes common for children born…
25 November 2014 | Disabilities
Today, there are over 1 billion people living in the world with some form of disability. Around the world, persons with disabilities not only face physical barriers but also social, economic and attitudinal barriers. Furthermore, disability is…
25 November 2014 | Disabilities
The Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) is organizing an event on "Sustainable Development: The promise of technology - Accessible Technologies for Persons with…
24 November 2014 | Disabilities
UNESCO, in close cooperation with international, regional, and national partners, is organizing the International conference “From Exclusion to Empowerment: The Role of Information and Communication Technologies for Persons with Disabilities” from…
24 November 2014 | Disabilities
On a tour of the United Nations Accessibility Centre for the audio, visual, and physically impaired today, United States Senator Tom Harkin said that “when you make a system better for a person with a disability it makes it better for people without…
21 November 2014 | Disabilities
The fourteenth meeting of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics meeting in Rome, Italy (17-18 November 2014) commended the efforts of UNWTO and its partners to advance Accessible Tourism for All. The Committee firmly supported the “Montreal…
18 November 2014 | Disabilities
The Model ICT Accessibility Policy Report released in São Paulo, Brazil recognizes that despite the unprecedented growth in mobile and Internet use worldwide, very few nations have acted to ensure that persons with disabilities are part of the…
14 November 2014 | Disabilities
Tourism is a rapidly growing industry and has become one of the main income generators for many countries in the global South. Ensuring the sustainability of this growing source of income depends heavily on ensuring that its social and economic…
13 November 2014 | Disabilities
Digital Inclusion and ICT Accessibility for all: ITU event in SaoPaulo from 12-14 November 2014:
This event aims at moving discussions from identification of principles to implementation of practices on how stakeholders from the Americas Region can…
04 November 2014 | Disabilities
The Preparatory Committee of the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (3WCDRR) will meet for its second session from 17 to 18 November 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland, to negotiate a zero draft of the post-2015 disaster risk reduction…
03 November 2014 | Disabilities
The Third Committee of the 69th session of the General Assembly discussed disability issues this month at UN Headquarters in New York. The Committee reviewed the Reports of the Secretary-General on a disability-inclusive development agenda towards…
24 October 2014 | Disabilities, Youth
Every day, a thousand or so children have been protected from disability during a 26-year global effort to eradicate polio. The worldwide campaign has immunised millions of previously-unreached children across the globe, UNICEF said on the eve of…