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08 June 2017 | Families
As more than 90 countries prepare to mark Father's Day later this month, prominent figures in sports and entertainment have joined 'Super Dads,' a campaign launched today by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) that celebrates a father's…
07 June 2017 | Families
This year’s observance of the International Day of Families focused on the role of families and family-orientated policies in promoting education and overall well-being. The day highlighted the role of families in early childhood education and…
06 June 2017 | Families
UN Information Centre (UNIC) Beirut joined hands with local radio station “Voice of Lebanon” to mark the International Day of Families. Speakers from local NGOs came on to the station’s morning show to talk about partnering with the UN, supporting…
30 May 2017 | Families
The opening session of the second Global Meeting of SDGs & Families Project, held in San Jose on 23-25 May, was inaugurated by the President of the Parliament of Costa Rica, Mr. Gonzalo Ramírez Zamora. The meeting gathered not only the members…
23 May 2017 | Families
Supportive, connected and stimulating family environments based on a foundation of love have the potential to educate for peace, strong intergenerational relations and solidarity. According to Mr. Eduardo Garcia Rolland (Early Childhood Development…
10 May 2017 | Families
The theme of this year's International Day of Families is "Families, education and well-being".
The observance is organized jointly by UNDESA DSPD and UN DPI, on 18 May at United Nations Headquarters in New York. Learn more about this event. The…
08 May 2017 | Families
COFACE Families-Europe and two of its Belgian members Gezinsbond and La Ligue des Familles are jointly organising the conference “Families on the move” that will take place in Brussels at the centre of Europe at the Higher Institute for Family…
13 March 2017 | Families
The unpaid work is indispensable to maintaining and advancing capabilities and human development. It is essential to the functioning of societies and economies and makes possible much of the observed kinds of paid work. However, it is unevenly…
01 February 2017 | Families
The Commission for Social Development contributes to the follow up to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, within its existing mandate, by supporting the thematic reviews of the high-level political forum implementation of the Sustainable…
14 December 2016 | Families
Service and Research Institute on Family and Children (SERFAC) innovative policy and action is geared to developing ‘Family Centred Practises’ as an effective tool for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals for poverty eradication, women’s…
07 November 2016 | Families
WOOMB International projects offer innovative policies and programmes for families, indigenous communities and youth. A recent project in Timore Leste addressed five Sustainable Development Goals as follows:Goal # 3 Good health and well-being; Goal…
04 November 2016 | Families
Family well-being is the root of a harmonious and stable society. Nowadays, families are being re-shaped by the enormous social changes from globalization, income disparity, ease of mobility, IT development, ageing of population, and attitude…