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Families, Poverty Eradication
23 August 2016 | Families, Poverty Eradication
The Agency for Health and Food Security (AHEFS) is a Ghana-based civil society organization with a mission of facilitating and promoting sustainable development in Ghana and in Africa. It is the core mandate of AHEFS to contribute to achieving SDG 1…
23 August 2016 | Families, Poverty Eradication
The Agency for Health and Food Security (AHEFS) is a Ghana-based civil society organization with a mission of facilitating and promoting sustainable development in Ghana and in Africa. It is the core mandate of AHEFS to contribute to achieving SDG 1…
22 July 2016 | Families
The central goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development focus on ending poverty, promoting shared economic prosperity, social development and people’s well-being while protecting the environment. The International Federation for Family…
13 May 2016 | Families
There is no one-size-fit-all framework for family policy as there is no single family model. However, family policies can be made and reformed to enable better outcomes as family units are the key to better childhood health, education and…
06 May 2016 | Families
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01 March 2016 | Cooperatives, Families, Poverty Eradication
There are an estimated 500 million smallholder households globally, amounting to upwards of two billion people. Mostly small-scale farmers cultivating less than five acres, they make up a significant portion of the world’s poor who live on less than…
01 March 2016 | Cooperatives, Families, Poverty Eradication
There are an estimated 500 million smallholder households globally, amounting to upwards of two billion people. Mostly small-scale farmers cultivating less than five acres, they make up a significant portion of the world’s poor who live on less than…
01 March 2016 | Cooperatives, Families, Poverty Eradication
There are an estimated 500 million smallholder households globally, amounting to upwards of two billion people. Mostly small-scale farmers cultivating less than five acres, they make up a significant portion of the world’s poor who live on less than…
29 February 2016 | Ageing, Cooperatives, Disabilities, Families, Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Youth
The UNDESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) has launched its new and improved website at: http://social.un.org or http://undesadspd.org
The new website promotes three core issues of DSPD: poverty eradication, employment generation…
29 February 2016 | Ageing, Cooperatives, Disabilities, Families, Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Youth
The UNDESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) has launched its new and improved website at: http://social.un.org or http://undesadspd.org
The new website promotes three core issues of DSPD: poverty eradication, employment generation…
29 February 2016 | Ageing, Cooperatives, Disabilities, Families, Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Youth
The UNDESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) has launched its new and improved website at: http://social.un.org or http://undesadspd.org
The new website promotes three core issues of DSPD: poverty eradication, employment generation…
29 February 2016 | Ageing, Cooperatives, Disabilities, Families, Poverty Eradication, Social Inclusion, Youth
The UNDESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) has launched its new and improved website at: http://social.un.org or http://undesadspd.org
The new website promotes three core issues of DSPD: poverty eradication, employment generation…