United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

var splashImageList = new Array();


Fourteenth Session of the Permanent Forum

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

splashImageList[splashImageList.length] = { id: '1', image: '/Portals/0/IMG_3868_480x108.jpg', url: 'http://undesadspd.org/IndigenousPeoples/UNPFIISessions/Fourteenth.aspx' };

Expert Group Meeting

Dialogue on an optional protocol to the UNDRIP

splashImageList[splashImageList.length] = { id: '2', image: '/Portals/0/IMG_4344_480x108.jpg', url: 'http://undesadspd.org/IndigenousPeoples/MeetingsandWorkshops.aspx' };


World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

splashImageList[splashImageList.length] = { id: '3', image: '/Portals/0/IMG_3667.jpg', url: 'http://undesadspd.org/IndigenousPeoples/WorldConference/ProgrammeofWCIP…' };



Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations

The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is an advisory body to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), with a mandate to discuss indigenous issues related to economic and social development, culture, the environment, education, health and human rights.


Fourteenth Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

20 April to 1 May 2015

UN Headquarters, New York

Statements from the session can be found on the UN Papersmart page>>>

World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

Outcome Document

22 - 23 September 2014

UN Headquarters, New York

Indigenous women

at the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW59) 2015




mayo 20, 2015

The online survey seeking the inputs of indigenous peoples on the follow-up to the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples is back online. The survey w...

mayo 15, 2015

From 13 to 15 May 2015, Permanent Forum member Maria Choque Quispe participated in the second colloquium on “Higher Education and Indigenous Peo...

abril 21, 2015

The Office of the Under Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs will hold an Interactive Dialogue on the follow-up to the World Conference o...

marzo 27, 2015

From 25 to 27 March 2015, Permanent Forum member Joan Carling attended the intergovernmental negotiations on sustainable development goals and targets...

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