UNPFII11 - How to Participate?

How to Participate?

March 1, 2016

Information note for Indigenous Peoples' Organizations (IPOS), NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC and Academics

The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is a subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). It was established by ECOSOC in its resolution 2000/22 of 28 July 2000. The Forum is one of the expert bodies of the Council. It is composed of 16 members. The Forum serves as an advisory body to ECOSOC with a mandate to discuss indigenous issues within the areas of expertise of the Council relating to economic and social development, culture, the environment, education, health and human rights.

Through resolution 2000/22, ECOSOC decided, inter alia, that States, United Nations bodies and organs, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Council may participate in the work of the Forum as observers. ECOSOC also decided that organizations of indigenous peoples may equally participate as observers in the work of the Permanent Forum in accordance with the procedures which have been applied in the Working Group on Indigenous Populations of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion of Human Rights.

The eleventh session of the Permanent Fourm will take place from 7 to 18 May 2012 in conference room 1 at the United Nations Headquarters, in New York.

Pre-Registration Online is now CLOSED

Because of appreciable space limitations in the North Lawn Building where the next session will take place, it has become necessary to reduce the numbers of attendees from civil society. This number should be kept to a minimum and should not exceed 20 representatives per organization.

Please note that participants will need a secondary pass to gain access to the North Lawn Building. One or two such secondary passes per/organization will be distributed at or near the registration site. Organizations should also be aware that, in this context, entry into official meetings can still not be guaranteed to all who wish to attend.

On-Site Registration Hours:

We will be open for on-site registration over the weekend before the session begins for the convenience of participants.  Please be sure that your representatives who will attend the session are aware of the important information below.

In order to Register, you must have already pre-registered online and be approved.

Registration will take place in the Lobby at the UN Visitors' Entrance (General Assembly Building). Entrance is at First Avenue and 45th Street. Once you pass through the white security tent please proceed to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous issues registration desk.

Sunday 6 May 12pm - 5pm
Monday 7 May 8am-12:30pm
Tuesday 8 May 9am- 12:30pm
Wednesday 9 May
to Friday 18 May

(remainder of session)

The Registration Desk will be closed every day from 12:30 to 2:00p.m. for lunch-break. Accordingly, no ground-pass will be issued during the lunch-break. Exceptionally, registration may be conducted during lunch-break if a large number of people are still in line.

Make sure to bring the confirmation letter that you receive after pre-registering as well as a photo identification document to get a UN ground-pass. It should be noted that for security reasons, only official documents (passports, state-issued driver’s license and similar documents), issued by recognized authorities are accepted. No other documents will be accepted.

1. Information Letter

2. Frequently asked questions

3. On-line Pre-registration System