UNPFII13 Questionnaire


Questionnaire to Governments

Member States are invited to complete the questionnaire regarding any action taken or planned in response to the recommendations of the Permanent Forum and regarding the achievement of the goal and objectives of the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People (2005 – 2014), and its impact on the Millennium Development Goals, in accordance with General Assembly A/RES/67/153, para 13, adopted on 20 December 2012.

You may complete the questionnaire using the online form below

bulletQuestionnaire (PDF) EN / ES / FR

If you prefer, you may download the word document and complete the form as a word document.

bulletQuestionnaire (Word document) EN / ES / FR

Please email the questionnaire responses to smallacombe@un.org

To view the recommendations made to Member States at the twelfth Session please click here

Questionnaire to UN Agencies, Funds, Programmes and other Inter-governmental Organizations

United Nations agencies, funds, programmes and other inter-governmental organizations are invited to complete the questionnaire regarding any action taken or planned in response to the recommendations of the Permanent Forum and regarding the achievement of the goal and objectives of the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People (2005 – 2014), and its impact on the Millennium Development Goals, in accordance with General Assembly A/RES/67/153, para 13, adopted on 20 December 2012.

bulletPlease click here to download the questionnaire (PDF)

Please email your contributions to bernardi@un.org

To view the recommendations made to UN agencies, funds, programmes and other IGOs at the twelfth session please click here

Questionnaire to  Indigenous Peoples' Organizations and Other Civil Society Organizations

Indigenous peoples’ organizations and other civil society organizations are invited to complete the questionnaire regarding the achievement of the goal and objectives of the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People (2005 – 2014), and its impact on the Millennium Development Goals, in accordance with General Assembly A/RES/67/153, para 13, adopted on 20 December 2012.

Deadline for submission: 28 February 2014

bulletQuestionnaire (Word document) EN / ES / FR / RU

Please email your contributions to: bernardi@un.org