Country/Area |
Strategies and Action Plans |
Language |
Afghanistan |
Strategy for Disability and Rehabilitation 2013-2016 |
English |
Afghanistan National Disability Action Plan 2008-2011 |
English |
Albania |
National Strategy on People with Disabilities |
English |
Angola |
National Strategy on People with Disabilities |
Portuguese |
National Plan of Integrated Actions on Disability (PNAID) |
Argentina |
National Accessibility Plan |
Spanish |
Armenia |
No.1 protocol decision of January 12, 2017 of the government of the Republic of Armenia on “Approving the complex programme of social inclusion of persons with disabilites for 2017-2021” and the Action plan ensuring the realization of the program. |
English |
Australia |
National Disability Strategy 2010 - 2020 |
English |
Austria |
English |
Bahrain |
National Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
Arabic |
Bangladesh |
Five-year National Action Plan on Disability (2006) |
English |
Action Plan for the Implementation of National Social Security Strategy 2016-2021 |
Belarus |
Council of Ministers Decree N 1602 On the State program to create a barrier-free environment for people with physical disabilities in 2011-2015 |
Russian |
Belgium |
The measures that can be taken for people with disability |
Dutch |
Bhutan |
Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation (DPR) and Life Style Related Disease (LSRD) Program |
English |
11th Five Year Plan for national development |
English |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) |
National Plan of Equality and Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disability – 2006 |
Spanish |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Strategy for Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
English |
Bostwana |
National Policy on Care for Persons with Disabilities (1996) |
English |
Brazil |
Plano Nacional dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência – Viver sem Limite |
Portuguese |
Bulgaria |
2016-2020 National Strategy for Persons with Disabilities |
English |
Action Plan for 2019-2020 for implementation of the National Strategy for Persons with Disabilities 2016-2020 |
Bulgarian |
Cabo Verde |
National Plan of Action for the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities 2006-2009 |
Portuguese |
Cambodia |
National Disability Strategic Plan (NDSP) 2014-2018 |
English |
National Plan of Action for Persons with Disabilities including Landmine/ERW3 Survivors 2008 - 2011 |
English |
National Disability Strategic Plan (NDSP) 2019-2023 (Available upon request to |
English |
National Disability Strategic Plan 2024-2028 |
Khmer |
China |
13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development, Chapter 66 |
English |
Colombia |
National Plan of Action for interventions on Disability 2005 - 2007 |
Spanish |
Cook Islands |
Cook Islands National Policy on Disability & National Action Plan 2008 – 2012 |
English |
Costa Rica |
Decree No. 40635 -MP-MDHIS-PLAN-MTSS, Harmonization of the National Disability Policy (Ponadis) and establishment of its action plan in accordance with country commitments to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Costa Rica has the National Disability Policy and its Action Plan 2016- 2018. A new plan for this Policy will be formulated next year.
English |
Croatia |
National Strategy of Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities |
English |
Plan for Deinstitutionalisation and Transformation of Social Welfare and Other Legal Entities Providing Social Care Services in the Republic of Croatia 2011 – 2016 (2018) |
Croatian |
Cuba |
Third National Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities 2006-2010 |
Spanish |
Cyprus |
National Disability Action Plan 2013-2015 |
English |
Czechia |
National Plan for the Promotion of Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities 2015–2020
First National Disability Strategy 2018-2028-Second National Disability Action Plan 2018-2020
Denmark |
The World 2030 Denmark’s strategy for development cooperation and humanitarian action |
English |
Disability policy action plan 2013 |
English |
Dominican Republic |
Plan for the Decade of the Americas: for the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities of the Dominican Republic 2006-2016 |
Ecuador |
Spanish |
Agenda Nacional para la Igualdad de Discapacidades |
Spanish |
Estonia |
Welfare Development Plan 2016–2023 |
English |
Ethiopia |
National Plan of Action of Persons with Disabilities (2012-2021) |
English |
European Union |
European Disability Strategy 2010–2030 |
English | French | Spanish |
Fiji |
Disability Action Plan (2002) |
English |
A National Policy on Persons Living with Disabilities 2008-2018 |
English |
Finland |
Finland’s Disability Policy Programme VAMPO 2010–2015 |
English |
France |
Plan 2010-2012 for the deaf or hard of hearing |
French |
National Plan for the social and socio-medical organization for rare disabilities 2009-2013 |
French |
Plan for visual disabilities 2008-2011 |
French |
Gambia |
The National Development Plan (NDP) (2018–2021) |
English |
Georgia |
National Strategy on Human Rights for 2014–2020. 15th strategic objective |
English |
Human Rights Action Plan for 2018-2020 |
English |
Germany |
Action plan for the inclusion of people with disabilities |
German |
National Action Plan to Implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
English |
Ghana |
National Strategic Plan on Disability |
Greece |
National Action Plan for Human Rights 2014-2016 |
Greek |
Guatemala |
National policy on disability 2006 Plan of action on disability 2017-2021 |
Spanish |
Haiti |
Five year National Plan for the Integration of People with Disabilities (2010) |
Hungary |
National Disability Program 2015-2025 |
English |
Iceland |
Parliamentary Resolution on a Plan of Action on Disabled Persons’ Affairs until 2014 |
English |
India |
Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012–2017) |
English |
Indonesia |
Indonesia National Plan of Action (INPOA) of Disabled People 2004-2013 |
National Human Rights Plan of Action 2015-2019 |
Indonesian |
Ireland |
National Disability Inclusion Strategy 2017-2021 |
English |
Italy |
Biennial action plan for the promotion of the rights and the integration of people with disabilities |
Italian |
Jamaica |
Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan. Persons with Disabilities Sector Plan 2009 – 2030 |
English |
Japan |
Basic Programme for Persons with Disabilities 2003 - 2012 |
English |
Jordan |
National Strategy for People with Disabilities 2010 - 2015 |
Arabic |
Kazakhstan |
National Action Plan to Secure the Rights and Improve the Quality of Life of Persons with Disabilities (2012 – 2018) |
Kenya |
NATIONAL PLAN OF ACTION on implementation of recommendations made by the Committee on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities in relation to the initial report of the Republic of Kenya, September 2015-June 2022 |
English |
Kiribati |
Kiribati National Disability Policy and Action Plan 2018 – 2021 |
English |
Lao People's Democratic Republic |
Action Plan of the National Strategy for People with Disability in Lao PDR (2000) |
Latvia |
Policy on the implementation of the UN Convention on rights of persons with disabilities 2014-2020 |
Latvian |
Lebanon |
National Plan for Human Rights: Rights of People with Disabilities |
Arabic |
Lesotho |
National Disability Mainstreaming Plan |
English |
Lithuania |
National Program on Social Integration for People with Disabilities 2013-2019 |
Lithuanian |
Action Plan for 2014-2020 on transition from institutional care to care in the family and the community for people with disabilities and children without care of parents |
Lithuanian |
Luxemburg |
Action plan for the implementation of the CRPD |
French |
Malawi |
Strategic Plan on Disability (2004 - 2007) |
English |
Malaysia |
National Action Plan for Disabled Persons 2007-2012 |
Plan of Action for Person with Disabilities (2016-2022) |
Mali |
African Decade of People with Disability 1999-2009 – Mali National Action Plan |
Malta |
National Policy on the Rights of Persons with Disability |
English |
Mauritius |
National Policy Paper and Action Plan on Disability |
English |
Mexico |
Programa Nacional para el Desarrollo y la Inclusión de las Personas con Discapacidad 2014-2018 |
Spanish |
Micronesia (Federated States of) |
National Policy on Disability and Implementation Plan |
Mongolia |
National program for supporting disabled people (2006) |
Montenegro |
Strategy for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities in Montenegro (2008 – 2016) |
English |
Mozambique |
Strategy for persons with disabilities in the public sector 2009-2013 |
Portuguese |
National Plan of Action for the Area of Disability - PNAD II 2012-2019 |
Portuguese |
Myanmar |
Myanmar National Plan of Action for Persons with Disabilities 2010 – 2012 |
Namibia |
Disability Mainstream Programme 2011 – 2013 |
Nepal |
National Policy and Plan of Action on Disability 2006 |
English |
Netherlands |
Visiedocument gehandicaptenzorg (Vision document for persons with disabilities) |
Dutch |
New Zealand |
New Zealand Disability Strategy 2016 - 2026 |
English |
Disability Action Plan 2014-2018 |
English |
North Macedonia |
National Strategy on Achieving Equal Rights for the Persons with Disabilities in the Republic of Macedonia (2010 – 2018) |
English |
Northern Ireland |
Disability Action Plan |
English |
Norway |
Job strategy for people with disabilities |
Norwegian |
Norway Universally Designed by 2025 |
English |
A Society for All: The government’s strategy for the equality of persons with disabilities for the period 2020–2030 |
English |
Government’s action plan for equality for persons with disabilities 2020-2030 |
Norwegian |
Equality for all: Norway’s strategy for disability-inclusive development (2022–2025) |
English |
Pacific Islands Forum |
Pacific Regional Strategy on Disablility 2010 - 2015 |
English |
Pakistan |
National Plan of Action to implement the National Policy for Persons with Disabilities 2006 - 2011 |
English |
Palau |
Palau National Disability Inclusive Policy, 2017-2020 Palau CBID Action Plan, 2019-2021 |
Panama |
National Strategic Plan for the Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities and their families 2011 – 2014 |
Spanish |
Papua New Guinea |
National Disability Policy 2015-2025 |
English |
Peru |
Plan for the Equalization of Opportunities for People with Disabilities 2009 – 2018 |
Spanish |
Philippines |
Health and Wellness Program of Persons with Disabilities 2014 |
English |
National Plan of Action for the Philippine Decade of Persons with Disabilities 2003 – 2012 |
English |
Poland |
Government Program for People with Disabilities and their Integration with the Society |
National Action Program for Equal Treatment 2013-2016 |
Polish |
Strategy for People with Disabilities 2020-2030 |
English |
Portugal |
National Strategy for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities |
Portuguese |
1st Action Plan for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities 2006-2009 |
Portuguese |
Qatar |
Qatar National Development Strategy |
English |
Republic of Korea |
The 4th Comprehensive Policy Plan for Persons with Disabilities |
Korean |
Republic of Moldova |
National Program of Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities for the years 2017-2022 |
Romanian |
Action Plan for the the implementation of the National Program for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities for the years 2017-2022 |
Romania |
National Strategy on social protection, integration and inclusion of people with disabilities for the period 2006 – 2013. “Equal opportunities for people with disabilities – towards a non-discriminatory society” |
English |
Russian Federation |
State programme of the Russian Federation - Accessible environment 2011-2015 |
Russian |
State program of the Russian Federation - Accessible environment 2011-2020 |
Russian |
Rwanda |
NCPD Strategic Plan and Its Operational Plan for the Implementation 2013-2018 |
English |
Samoa |
Samoa National Policy on Disability 2011 - 2016 |
English |
Scotland |
A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People: delivery plan |
English |
Senegal |
National Action Plan on Disability 2017-2021 |
Serbia |
Strategy for Improving the Situation of Persons with Disabilities in the Republic of Serbia 2007 - 2015 |
Singapore |
3rd Enabling Masterplan 2017 - 2021 |
English |
Slovakia |
National Program for the Development of Living Conditions of Persons with Disabilities for 2014-2020 |
Slovak |
Slovenia |
Action Programme for Persons with Disabilities 2007-2013 |
Slovenian |
Action Programme for Persons with Disabilities 2014-2021 |
Slovenian |
South Africa |
Integrated National Disability Strategy White Paper |
English |
Disability Framework for Local Government 2009-2014 |
English |
Strategic Policy Framework on Disability for the Post-School Education and Training System (2018) |
English |
Spain |
Spanish Strategy on Disability 2012-2020 |
Spanish |
Plan of Action for the Spanish Strategy on Disability 2014 - 2020 |
Spanish |
Sri Lanka |
2014 National Action Plan for Disability |
Sweden |
A Strategy for the Implementation of Disability Policy, 2011-2016 |
Swedish |
National Action Plan for the disability politics |
Switzerland |
Action Plan on e-Accessibility |
German |
Syrian Arab Republic |
National Plan for the Care and Habilitation of People with Disabilities (2008) |
English |
Thailand |
Third National Plan on Quality of Life Development of Persons with Disabilities 2007-2011 |
English |
Trinidad and Tobago |
National Policy on Persons with Disabilities (2018) |
English |
Turkey |
Stratejik Plan 2008 - 2012 (Strategic Plan) |
Turkish |
Uganda |
National Policy on Disabilities, 2006 |
National Plan for Children with Disabilities |
Ukraine |
Action plan to implement the recommendations set out in the concluding observations submitted by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to the first report of Ukraine on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the period up to 2020 |
Ukrainian |
United Kingdom |
Disability Inclusion Strategy 2018 to 2023 |
English |
Easy read strategy |
English |
Disability Inclusion Strategy Delivery Plan |
English |
United Republic of Tanzania |
National Disability Mainstreaming Strategy 2010 – 2015 |
Vanuatu |
Egnlish |
Viet Nam |
National Action Plan to Support People with Disabilities 2006-2010 |
English |
Wales |
Action on disability: the right to independent living framework and action plan |
English |
Action on disability: the right to independent living framework and action plan (easy read) |
Yemen |
National Disability Strategy 2014 - 2018 |
Arabic |
Zambia |
Disability Strategic Plan 2017-2021 |
English |