In the efforts to encourage stakeholders to leverage the potential of sport for development and peace through concrete initiatives and efficient international cooperation, the General Assembly, in its resolution A/RES/71/160 requested the Secretary-General to present a report, to its 73rd session, which would “provide a review of the contribution of sport to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and to present an updated action plan on sport for development and peace”. More specifically, the report of the Secretary-General is expected to 1) include specific initiatives aimed at ensuring more effective implementation of the Olympic Truce; 2) contain progress made by Member States and the United Nations system, towards the implementation of the United Nations Action Plan on Sport for Development and Peace; 3) provide a review of the contribution of sport to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda; and 4) present an updated Action Plan on Sport for Development and Peace. The updated action plan would need to take into account the lessons learned by different stakeholders that operate in the field of sport for peace and development through research, design and implementation of policies and programmes at local, national and international level, and is expected to serve as framework of reference for governments, civil society and business to identify and promote the best ways sport can deliver towards the achievement of the SDGs. In light of this request, the Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, is organizing an expert group meeting and interagency dialogue on “Strengthening the Global Framework for Leveraging Sport for Development and Peace””. The meeting will be held in New York, USA from 13 - 14 June 2018, as part of the preparations for the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly.
- Aide Memoire
- Agenda
- Experts Bios
- United Nations Action Plan on Sport for Development and Peace
- Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 16 December 2016 "Sport as a means to promote education, health, development and peace"
- Effective Mainstreaming of Sport in Development programmes and Policies: Coherence, Funding and Measurement by Davies Banda
- Sport for development and peace: some critical notes by Jeroen Scheerder
- Strengthening the Global Framework for Leveraging Sport for Development and Peace by Shushu Chen
- Strengthening the Global Framework for Leveraging Sport for Development and Peace by Holly Collison
- Strengthening the Global Framework for Leveraging Sport for Development and Peace by Alexander Cárdenas
- Measuring the Contribution of Sport to the Sustainable Development Goals by the Commonwealth Secretariat
- Developing skills and competences in sporting value chains by Giovanni di Cola
- Assessing the Evidence in Sport for Development and Peace: Findings and Recommendations by Meredith A. Whitley
- Sport and Peace-building by John Sugden
- A Foundation of the Global Framework for Leveraging Sport for Development and Peace by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- Sport and Sustainable Development: Designing, Managing and Leveraging Opportunities by Nico Schulenkorf
- Sport and Sustainable Development Reflections by Nico Schulenkorf
- Sport Works: sport is both a means and message by Jeroen Scheerder
- Effective Mainstreaming of Sport in Development programmes and Policies by Davies Banda
- Strengthening the Global Framework for Leveraging Sport for Development and Peace by Holly Collison
- Assessing the Evidence in Sport for Development and Peace: Findings and Recommendations by Meredith A. Whitley
- Developing Sport, Changing Lives by Juan Pablo Salazar
- Sport, Conflict Resolution, and Peace Building in Divided Societies: Playing with enemies by John Sugden
- Sport and Peace Building by Alexander Cárdenas
- Streamlining the process of SDP programme design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation by Shushu Chen
- Mainstreaming of sport in development programmes and policies in the SDG era by Oliver Dudfield, Commonwealth Secretariat